What's the most toxic gaming community?

  • What makes it toxic?
  • How can it be made better?


enough said



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Basically every gaming community is extremely toxic.


But especially Roblox

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OH my god if you play royal high (a game on roblox) now, the community is so toxic

like those who have "high tier or “rare items” in the game think they are superior to those who dont
like behavior from these kids in the game is disgusting and rude.
Literally 20 year olds play the game (nothing wrong with that) and spend MONEY on it to get high tier items, but their behavior can have a huge impact on young kids ike 10 years old who play these games

ik this because ive been bullied on roblox before and my sister is currently still playing it

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sorry i just copied and pasted the same post and deleted the other one :upside_down_face:

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oh, lol


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I feel like parts of the Zelda fanbase can get toxic because alot of them want every game to be OoT and they kinda reject things that stray away from this aswell as basically harass Zelda streamers to play OoT and get really nasty when they don’t but I wouldn’t say it was the most toxic personally although I do see how some may see that.

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Damn. That’s intense.

Call of duty on mobile and just watch out for user hacker the game. When I play I haven’t seen any toxic players nor in chat

No, it’s gotta be COD or Rainbow Six Siege. Sorry, but there’s no way in hell that there is any other game more toxic than those.

Slurs are quite literally screamed every five seconds in those games.

@Gamers any games that are extremely toxic?

I’m going to say LoL community, the people ruined the game for me

Gotta be Genshin Impact for me. People are literally telling the VAs to die, when they’ve done nothing wrong!

rocket league

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It doesn’t look like I ever said it but the World of Warcraft community sucks.

Gonna throw league of legends onto that fire too