When Were You Really Annoyed At Something?

That’s usually the hardest part.

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I hate titling my stories so. Much. Ugh. :roll_eyes:

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I know right! It’s the most annoying part of writing which is why they say come up with the title last.

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I really should try that. I’m so impulsive with titling the story first

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It just comes natural to do so. I have to remind myself to wait before I start working on the title.

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Today, when I found out Spiderman is being taken out of the MCU so Shuri and Peter will never meet each other :cry:

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Oh, for example…

  • When the previewer in the Writer’s Portal doesn’t wanna load. I just can’t imagine how people used to spot direct and preview their stories before the previewer existed. (Yeah, okay, they opened their stories on their phone or tablet and copied the spot directing code from there… but still… the previewer is way more CONVENIENT) #FirstWorldProblems

  • That time when I couldn’t get out of the parking lot at work because someone was parked behind me, and I couldn’t find the person. Also, today someone just pulled over in the middle of the street and I had to pass them and get in the other lane but the cars behind me in the other lane just kept flying by. #DrivingProblems

Oh yeah the previewer barely ever loads for me and it’s just hard to use it on my computer so I go on my story on my phone.

I looked in the mirror. I became really annoyed.

That’s pretty smart.

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When, i missed an episode of my favourite series on TV and i have to watch it on the web but it lags ughhh…

Whenever I go on a bvb “confession page” and see people saying they’re breaking up that annoys me.

They do really uninformed paragraphs about it and some people even agree. Unless it’s been stated by the band themselves then don’t assume you know.

So yeah I get annoyed by that alot.

Honestly, I don’t remember thel last time I was really annoyed. I usually don’t get annoyed easily. Even if I might say “it’s annoying”, I don’t mean that it is too annoying to make me shout at or scold someone. You can say that I have a full control on my feelings and I know how to control my nerves. Some people I know said to me that they are curious to know what would I be like when getting annoyed by others. :woman_facepalming:t4: Like, what’s so good and interesting at seeing someone getting annoyed?

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I ask my brother that question alot as he thinks winding me up is hilarious

I’m annoyed at myself because I keep telling myself that I’ll plan my story and then I don’t do it.


When school is over and I’m so eager to exit school asap so I can rest at home, there are some people who would block the corridor side by side. I had to wait for them until I find an opportunity to pass them.

Work when they don’t tell me something has changed and I have been doing the old way.

Added discussion tag!

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