Why Facebook "Morality" Videos Suck at Dialogue

Gutted NHS FeelsBadMan

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Also, after being such an a$$hole to that poor woman, it’s not very realistic for him to want a thank you. They’re just trying to artificially amp up his unlikeableness for the audience


In this one, the mood swings! Like, someone needs to be concerned about the “real mum’s” mental health, seriously

“My baby cooking? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Also, what good stepmum would realistically go “NO SHE DIDN’T ACTUALLY BAKE THE COOKIES. I FORGOT. SHE WAS JUST HELPING ME” Existential horror of forgetting things again!

It also just sounds so childish “noooo mummy actually I did it not her”


Also, moustache :face_vomiting:


“iT’S So fLiMsY! iS It eVeN ReAl gOlD?”

This b**** clearly doesn’t know real gold because that fish is flimsy


Also, every single “learns a lesson” part has “you see…” in it. Usually the beginning xD so fake


“had it specially made with a picture of you” picture is falling out of the locket


FR though the kid is the best actor in this fish


You see dun dun dunnnn

This isn’t a Janitor at all, it’s old Man Withers from the ice cream amusement park


The lady’s heterochromia is really cool though


The whole “LIBERALS ARE ATTACKING CONSERVATIVES” narrative is strong throughout this whole production team apparently. “ArEnT YoU JuSt a hOuSeWiFe?!”


  1. A good wedding dress store would always ask for you budget first and try to stick to it (or just stretch it slightly) or they could risk losing you.

  2. If $5000 is the most expensive dress in the store, I wanna go to that store! Also, ballgowns are usually the most expensive

  3. dresses from stores like this don’t just fly in from Italy. That’s not how the industry works.

Do a little research before centring a whole story around a wedding dress shop xD


I’m getting progressively madder and madder because every writer on here could do a better job and they’re so successful


This girl is absolutely insufferable.

Dad: “I miss your mother” (Implying she passed away)

Girl: “wHaT DoEs tHaT HaVe tO Do wItH Me?!”


You kidding?! She lost her dad TWO WEEKS AGO and she didn’t even mention cancelling when he was on his death bed?!


Your dad died 14 days ago but “WhAt’s wRoNg?”

It won’t embed so watch on FB

“You see… your dad saved my life on his deathbed. Now let me walk you down the aisle”


This really is a hellscape of stunted directing, decent actors trying their best with crap and some alien’s approximation at what humans interact like :joy:


Also, “your dad said his heart would be with you so the guy who he gave his heart to in a transplant will walk you down the aisle” is really creepy




I had no idea these existed. Thank you for sharing them, I think I found my new guilty pleasure :rofl:

I really like how true the titles are. “What happens next will shock you”, indeed.

I’m playing Persona 5 right now and man, the first video gave me such chills. When she started narrating his past in such a monotonous voice, with an eerie, blurry flashback and the ‘You can’t forget where you came from!’ final line… I instantly thought she’s actually brainwashing him, implanting false memories in his head :sweat_smile:

Unfortunately, not quite. Public healthcare does not mean that medicine hoarding and medical black market does not exist in the EU. A lot depends on the healthcare politics of a particular country. If certain drugs or products are scarce or expensive, things like that will happen. In fact, my government requested the people to donate masks and latex gloves to the public healthcare at some point, because they ran out (!).

The same government drowned about $250 mln into public television just a couple of weeks earlier :unamused:

We can acknowledge that EU regulates how many of high-demand products can be sold to a single customer, though. Doesn’t the US? :sweat_smile: As soon as shortages started here, most shops did that on individual basis, without any legislation.

Also, the way he re-sells these products is… Silly in the extreme. For one thing, street sales are strongly regulates - they’re usually only allowed in certain places and / or conditions. For another, selling medical supplies requires a fully sanitised store - which is why you generally can’t buy things like syringes outside pharmacies and medical stores (this includes online stores).

Also also, am I the only one who finds it weird that this guy sells emergency supplies without his mask on and conducting street sales during COVID? In the EU, he’d get picked and fined at once :joy:

Finally, what I find really interesting in that video is that the first argument this woman raises is ‘you’re a man’. I didn’t have enough coffee to fully process it but that random, casual, double sexist message is pretty… Astonishing :sweat_smile:

How rude! :rofl: (Yes, this guy can’t make moustache work)

What I find really disturbing is how it presents a woman who is about to get married like a spoiled little girl throwing a tantrum. She’s an adult, for Christ’s sake. She should know how family budget works, since she’s about to start a family of her own. There’s just so much casual sexism here, I can hardly believe it :expressionless:


It won’t embed so watch on FB

This isn’t even memory loss, this is distorted consciousness. ‘Honey, what’s wrong?’ It’s not something he has to remember. He’s right there, in the room, suffering what’s left of his life out. She’s right there, agonising. How come he needs to ask when he can literally feel it? o___O;;;

More importantly: I’m horrified how blatantly this video disregards anxiety, trauma and life crisis issues. As a psychologist, I can’t stress it enough: Undergoing several drastic life changes at once makes coping with each of them extremely difficult. We only have that many resources. Dividing them means we’re dividing and conquering ourselves.

Death in the family is both a serious trauma and a major change - change she’ll need to adapt to. Marriage is also such a change, requiring a change in lifestyle and adaptation to new conditions. The most reasonable - and sympathetic - course of action would be to call the marriage off until she can resolve the first crisis. Otherwise, she’s putting her entire marriage at risk. Just imagine living with your husband everyday when the start of your marriage is a traumatic memory!

Finally, can we acknowledge that the video starts on an objectifying note? ‘Everyone is waiting for the bride’, not for ‘you’. The poor woman gets set in a social role and told to shut her personal thoughts, feelings and needs off. All for the sake of the guests who came to see the bride :unamused:

Then, the mother uses the dead father as a tool of emotional blackmail. ‘He wouldn’t want you to miss your own wedding?’ Just cut the crap and think about your daughter, for God’s sake. Then, finally, introducing a perfect stranger and telling her that he has the father’s heart? On her wedding day? Is she actively trying to traumatise her?

Sorry, but this goes beyond just bad dialogue. This video reinforces extremely harmful schematas that drive people into clinical anxiety and turn recovery into an insurmountable task. There’s nothing remotely moral about this particular video :triumph: