

Heyo I’m Alissa!

here’s some stuff about me I have two cats; Chloe (Klo-ee) and Stoli (Sto-lee) and a dog whose name is Roxy (R-aw-k-see), I’m a Gemini, I live in Florida, and I’m an Empath.

(for people interested in astrology, I’m a Gemini sun, Libra moon, and Libra rising/ascendant)

Empaths are people that can feel others energy and emotions. So someone beside me is mad, I can do with her anger kind of rating off of them. It’s a gift and a curse lol.

Here are some of my threads:
Girl Problems

Height Thread

Psychic Thread

16 Personality Types

The Official Cook Book Thread

What are some things you find weird about americans misconceptions about other countries