13 Reasons Why Moments is the best Episode Rip-Off

(and why I would choose to go to it first if Episode shut down)


  1. The stories don’t disappoint me. :open_book:
  2. The art is beautiful. :two_hearts:
  3. The Interface. :iphone:
Random Pic

  1. They have a free to read story everyday. :money_mouth_face:
Today's Free

  1. Even if you don’t want to read that story, they make it wayyyyy too easy to get stars to read any story you want to :joy:
  2. The people in the stories aren’t annoying. :pray:t4:
  3. It’s diverse but not stupid diverse. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  4. The staff is very mature and their rules aren’t stupid. :weary:
  5. You can make an avatar?!! And dress them up??! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Ignore How Ugly She Looks Rn

  1. They have an erotica section that is completely optional and it doesn’t glorify anything Jesus wouldn’t glorify :wink: :angel:t4:
  2. I have so many diamonds and I don’t even do anything?! :money_with_wings: Plus you don’t even have to play a whole chapter to get diamonds. And even if you did want to buy stuff, it’s too reasonably priced. Seriously, how do they make money…? :thinking:
  3. Also, I actually like spending money on it- whereas on Episode it’s like :face_vomiting: ??
  4. The muSIIICCCccc :weary::pray:t4::musical_note::musical_note:

They surprised me today, ya’ll. I know they sent a special variation of this to everyone but I feel xtra special for no reason :clown_face:


That actually seems pretty cool :joy:


This looks interesting!


The only reason I avoid other apps is because, ngl, I’m at the stage where I kinda want my writing to get me a little bit of compensation. I do have 2 chapters of a story on Chapters, though!


I get that.

The only real downside to most reading apps is that you can’t write on them. :skull::joy:

We stan a queen who knows her worth :money_mouth_face::money_with_wings:


Is there CC though

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Not full CC.

It’s more like a swipe to the left/right and you get a white/black/asian/indian etc premade model whose hair and clothes you get to customise but its not like Episode

Episode has millions of perople to cater to and if they did what Moments did it would be weird? Actually, no it wouldn’t- I wouldn’t mind. :joy:

Moments has multiple art styles (they aren’t named but let me just say the covers are accurate to what they’re gonna give you lol) so I don’t think they even have the budget at this point to have full cc :joy:
Sometimes you can even choose if you want to be a boy/girl and I just think it’s cool

Don't Date the Coach's Daughter

Programming Bites

Sweet Seduction


Eh…not for me i prefer to play as my gender…and full CC nice art tho

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Indians are Asian, but yeah :yellow_heart::sparkling_heart::gift_heart:


I mean :joy:

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@ChaoticDeluge what do you think? Have you ever read any stories from there?




Lol that was so blunt!


It seems they’ve improved. I remember when all their stories were bout s*x. Might need to re-download and see how they’ve done.

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All they need now is an ability to write stories and they got Episode beat



Closed due to inactivity :zombie: