(and why I would choose to go to it first if Episode shut down)
- The stories don’t disappoint me.
- The art is beautiful.
- The Interface.
- They have a free to read story everyday.
- Even if you don’t want to read that story, they make it wayyyyy too easy to get stars to read any story you want to
- The people in the stories aren’t annoying.
- It’s diverse but not stupid diverse.
- The staff is very mature and their rules aren’t stupid.
- You can make an avatar?!! And dress them up??!
- They have an erotica section that is completely optional and it doesn’t glorify anything Jesus wouldn’t glorify
- I have so many diamonds and I don’t even do anything?! Plus you don’t even have to play a whole chapter to get diamonds. And even if you did want to buy stuff, it’s too reasonably priced. Seriously, how do they make money…?
- Also, I actually like spending money on it- whereas on Episode it’s like ??
- The muSIIICCCccc
They surprised me today, ya’ll. I know they sent a special variation of this to everyone but I feel xtra special for no reason