24 Hour delete wait time and editing of posts

Now there will be some new admins, I thought this might be a good moment to have a discussion surrounding this! I was interested in knowing a bit more about why there is a wait time of 24 hours before a post gets deleted and if this will stay under the new leadership. I always found this a bit weird, and I know I’m not the only one. This because others can still read it within those 24 hours, and idk if I’m the only curious person, but seeing a post has been deleted sometimes only makes me more curious about what that post was :zipper_mouth_face: The same thing for editing, why are old versions of a post available for everyone to see, I don’t want everyone to still be able to see the stupid typos I’ve made, or more importantly that I actually made an effort to change a typo :joy: Also, if I changed my mind about something I don’t always want previous statements to still be visible. So let’s talk about this @Discussions

  • I agree this should be changed
  • I don’t see the need to change this

0 voters


I fully agree. Seeing a deleted post just makes me want to read it more, and it could be personal.

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Yeah, I know out of emotion I’ve written something for example on the ranting thread before, once I calmed down a bit I realised it was actually quite personal and I didn’t feel comfortable keeping it up, so I wanted it deleted asap… Most people probably don’t delete a post without a good reason for doing so, so I don’t understand the having to wait :woman_shrugging:

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I’m not too sure on why there’s such a hefty length of time from deleting a post to when it’s actually deleted. I believe that at least one of the reasons is in case of an accidental delete or if you rethink and don’t actually want to delete the post. The 24 hour window gives every timezone the day to make sure that this is what they want.
In the case that you want it immediately deleted, we’ve always had the option available for a user to flag their own post for moderation to delete it more immediately. The moderator will then delete the flag so it doesn’t count against you, and then delete the post immediately.

As for changing the timeframe window for deleting, I’m sure that this is something that can be possibly changed if enough users agree that it should be.


Thanks for your explanations. I know that option exists, as I’ve deleted many posts for people quickly that way while I was a mod. But I honestly don’t think that’s the best solution, like shouldn’t we be able to just quickly delete our posts ourselves without needing someone else to do it for us? There are tons of possible situations where you simply don’t want someone else to have to see it before it can be deleted.
While I do understand why there is a bit of time to undo it if you accidentally deleted a post, shouldn’t like 5 minutes be enough for that? Either way, I’ll just hope then that more people will come across this thread and agree with me, so a change will actually be considered!


That definitely makes sense with the timezones.

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I do actually agree with. As I’ve never really liked using the flags this way since flags area disciplinary action rather than an easy way to delete something.

If you wish for more people to see it, then could I suggest using the discussions tag in the OP? 'Cause I’d love to see more opinions on this too, to see if this is a majority opinion.

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That’s definitely a good point as well, and in the past I’ve had moments where it took time and focus away from flags that actually needed other urgent intervention. It kinda cluttered the flags sometimes.

And for sure, added a few tags!

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Yeah, exactly.

Oh yup. They definitely help too, though I was meaning the group tag (@/Discussions)

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Ah, in that way, should have understood that :joy: But I believe only mods/admins can actually use that tag, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work if I use it, so it’s up to you :wink:

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What? Really? I thought that was only the @/Announcements tags and the @/Discussions tag was for members of the tag to use.

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I could be wrong, but I remember it was locked that way at least some time as it was way too overused it became spammy. I’ll try it out!
Edit: turns out I was wrong and it actually does work now!

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Disclaimer: i am not an admin yet and i have yet to learn the ropes
but from what i’m reading, i think it’s possible (and useful) to do this change, as long as more users in the forums agree with it

i’m only speaking for myself here, but it would be a welcome change for me

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Maybe something like a permenantly delete button could be added? As in, the normal delete still saves the post for 24 hours, but if you manually delete it a second time it’s gone for good. That way people who might change their mind still have the option, and there’s good catchment for accidental deletions, but those who just want it gone are able to do that as well.

I’d also be happy for it to just be a permenant delete though, and I’m not familiar with the backworkings of the website and how it could be set up.


I’m not sure adding a second delete is possible since this is a built-in discourse thing.
Though maybe since the accidental delete is still a thing, perhaps just a shorter timeframe window, like a hour and not 24?


Honestly what bothers me more than this is that as a non leader you can’t delete more than a certain number of posts within a set timeframe because it seems to have a cool down for deletions?
Like I was trying to yeet some of my old art from the art thread and I couldn’t get it done because it just stopped me after like 4-5 posts lol


Interesting. Hmm… I think I remember seeing this in the settings too, and I’m sure more users agree then the limit could be changed.