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No, I don’t care if the partner is American, Foreign or Foreign-American (as in has dual citizenship or has close roots to another country) or Native American (becuase let’s be real, they’re not foreigners to America, it was their land first)

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Dual citizenship with half American half other nationality wouldn’t work. But I think we can make this work if you make the character that’s American and is bringing my non American character over on the visa

But lowkey I would love if you decided to go for a native American who’s doing this, that could be so interesting!!

Also, to inform you guys, @bpalmer and @LunaticLeviTheSecond, if it stays the 3 of us, I’m perfectly happy allowing you 2 to create a 3th couple together. Think about it if that’s something you guys would want or not necessarily!

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@bpalmer How about it? Make a girl and a guy? Or maybe we could make a gay couple so we could both make men? @Jass is that allowed or does it really have to be a f/m couple?


Most certainly would be allowed if that’s what you guys would want to go for!

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Im ok with making a couple

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I’ll check with Jass

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Just a reminder that there is about a week left to reserve if anyone else happens to be interested! Also, I love seeing the progress made on the current couples…

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A little bump that within a few hours reserves will be closed, so last chance


@bpalmer and @LunaticLeviTheSecond, when would you 2 be ready to get started?

  • Upcoming weekend
  • Mid next week
  • Next weekend
  • Later
0 voters

We didn’t even start on the bio … Late for sure

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Okay, okay. I’m basically ready to get started when you 2 are ready, so let me know when!


Give me a week to get the bio out at least sorry I got swamped with tests and I’m just now finishing them up

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Do you guys want to maybe go back to this it still seems very interesting

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Honestly I did love what we planned and stuff and I’m absolutely down to write it out!
So I don’t see a reason why not to do it
Not sure how @LunaticLeviTheSecond feels about this now

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That’s where I am at too Jass

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I mean, once you get your bio finished and give me a day or so after that I can definitely go ahead and just set up the thread so we can get writing

Ok cool sounds like a plan

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Awesome! In the meantime I’ll also find our PM and reread it and stuff cause definitely don’t remember all details we discussed :joy:

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