A discussion about Transphobia

Yes, that’s the biological terms for those parts you have. Though that doesn’t mean people have to feel like it’s what they were meant to be born with. Trans people have every right to change or alter their body to their needs and fulfill their happiness and feel whole as a being.

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My NB friend doesn’t want to be called Trans, and I respect them.


That’s fair enough. Ultimately it’s up to the person how they want to be addressed



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I am not reading any of the replies, so you are wasting your time.

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Anyone who sticks up for what they believe in by speaking up is never wasting their time. Nor did anyone who replied to you expect a continued discussion, but sure. :wink:

Make sure to hold your grip on the lead of your high horse, you might fall off.


I’ve never seen such blatant disrespect on this forum until now.

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See what I mean about not needing to flag people? They make a fool out of themselves just fine.


Exactly. Let them screw themselves over.

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Lol, who said we wanted you to read the replies?

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If she hadn’t read the replies, she wouldn’t have made that comment actually. Even if her comment was that she didn’t read it… I mean… Think.


Know that you’re saying it-

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Transphobia = pathetic and ignorant.



She did read the replies, that’s why she doesn’t want to respond

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I’m actually trying to convince my nb friend to join.

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Some trans men have penises, and some trans women have vaginas. Some people don’t and that’s fine. Some cis people don’t and that’s fine, that doesn’t mean that they’re not valid for the gender they are/identify as. It’s important to remember to call people by their preferred pronouns and stuff because human decency. To generalize it like you are doing is kinda ignorant because gender and sex is different. I’m not the best to talk on it cuz I’m not trans. I mean keep in mind that this is something that doctors and scientists support so it is accurate and again to generalize like this isn’t the best. You should look up some videos and educate yourself. What you’re saying goes against science and biology.
I’m not gonna go looking for like ten things backing me up rn, but it’s certainly out there if you just do a quick google search.


Just gonna say, as a general statement to transphobes:

Biology has progressed since the 1900s when you were at school. Keep up

You actually did read the replies. You just don’t want to respond to people who confront you with scientific facts. I said what I said.


I still don’t get those tbh- are they used just like other, more common pronouns?

(Added some tags :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:)

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