Hi @Announcements! I think we need to make a few of the rules on the Forums a little clearer. One of them in particular is the rule on criticism.
So, the Forums are a safe space for critics and writers who genuinely want to grow and improve as writers. If you would like to learn and hone in your craft, I encourage you to use the Forums freely!
However, I do not accept time wasters. If you ask for honest feedback or opinions, you better be damn ready to accept the feedback and opinions that you get, even if you don’t like what people have to say. You don’t have to agree with all of the feedback. However, do not get defensive on the thread. If you do, I will close it down. It’s wasting our time.
There are many people out there who would love the kind of feedback that we give out here for free. You might find it harsh or savage, but do not tone police the people who take the time to read your work and explain to you what they think needs work. As long as they’re following the rules, they are in their right to say what they want about your story. If you then go off on a tangent about how mean they’re being or emotionally blackmail people, you will be breaking the rules.
It is a flaggable offense and will definitely get your thread closed.
If you can’t take criticism, maybe ask for a thread asking to help you find good qualities in your story? Otherwise, frankly, we don’t want your false requests for help here. We’d rather spend our time on people who value the time we put in trying to make their work better. For free.
And you certainly don’t have to accept all of the feedback. You don’t have to put it all in your work. People have their opinions and you’re not always going to agree. But don’t go around breaking the rules because you don’t like what you heard.
I hope I have made myself clear.
Please feel free to comment below.
(@ForumStaff I don’t know if this should go in #welcome-to-the-forums:guides or #announcements:forum-announcements, so have fun!)