A guide to the badges on this forum

Hey guys!

I thought it was about time I rounded up all of the badges you can earn here on the ShanniiWrites forum. (Not the system automated ones such as “nice reply”).

We’ll start with

Activity champion

This badge is awarded by winning the most frequent poster wins! a competition hosted by @Duckling . It comes with a title you can give yourself in preferences. The competition is hosted once a month.

Artist of the week

As you know @passionfruit hosts an art competition your art also gets put on instagram and the badge comes with a title!

Brain of the decade

Around the time of new year @Jass hosted a series of quizzes about the previous decade. This badge was awarded to the winners of those quizzes.


Yes we have an emo badge for anyone who wants it :joy: feel free to just ask me on this thread!

Emoji master

This badge is won by winning the Emoji contest hosted by @Rose. It also comes with a title.

Forum User of The Month

This badge is earned by winning the forum user of the month you must meet the requirements to win this, for example, being a user for at least a month before the contest. You can then be nominated and people can vote for you. The badge comes with a title and your trust level gets upped to leader.

Forum Cat

A purrfect badge for cat lovers, this one is granted by @passionfruit and to get it you come here

Forum Duck

A rad badge you can get by visiting this thread and giving us a quack :wink::duck:

Naughtiest User

This is awarded to whoever wins the naughtiest user during @fcukforcookies’s competition the badge comes with a title

Nicest User

This also comes from cookies competition, except it is awarded to the nicest user.

Poetry Competition Winner

For the winner of the monthly poetry contest hosted by @passionfruit

Poll battle champion

This is earned by winning @Duckling 's poll battle competition. You can also earn a title from it.

Pub quiz champion

You can win this by winning the pub quiz. This is usually be hosted by the @PubQuizTeam If you want to be in for a chance at winning this then I recommend joining the @PubQuiz group so you get tagged whenever one is taking place.

Writer of the month

We have a writing competition typically hosted monthly by @Yomama to win this badge, win the competition!

RPer of The Month

This is awarded to the RPer of the month voted for by the community.

Reading Competition Champion

For winning the reading competition


By becoming a patron of the forum

Photographer of The Month

This badge is awarded to the top photographer on the week, voted for by the users.

Staff Member of The Month

Awarded to the staff member who has gone above and beyond for that month


By making a non-patron donation to the forum on paypal or ko-fi be sure to PM me with proof of purchase

Trivia Game Winner

By winning the trivia game!


You get this by being part of the utensil cult

I really hope this guide helps explain things.


The artist of the week one will be changing as of today in artist of the month tho. I will give more explanation on it soon!


That’s alright, I’ll edit the thread once you’ve made the change

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Bump :blush:

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Added a help and a guide tag because this guide helps people with the badges on this forum :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:



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Hey newbies, if you want to know about our epic badges then checked them our above. They’re awesome.

Though I was just wondering why we are missing one. Well, I know it’s newer but I am just suggesting an update. (wink) Where’s the RPer of the Month badge?

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I can add it in


Alcoholic badgeeee


I can’t put that on since Idk how to get it :joy:


@ShanniiWrites REEEEEE

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Hey everyone I updated the list with some rad new badges

I will make it alphabetical soon


I shall add the forum duck badge


El, as I joined at the same time as you, do I get a Patron badge? (pleading_face)

Yes, I know I could do it myself, but I’m lazy and know you love badges. HAHAHA




There is nothing that amuses me more than awarding myself a badge and getting the notification right after :joy:


BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wait. Is the badge new? How come no one has it yet?


Don’t forget Loogie too, as well as all the others in the patrons tag. (wink)