A poll about disabled people - I appreciate if everyone takes part for more accurate results

I’ve been hearing a lot of reports lately about disabled people not getting the job or being the first to be laid off. So I want to do a little experiment and @ShanniiWrites, I’d love if you could help me with this one. If you think anything needs to be modified, let me know.

I want you to imagine that you’re an employer hiring for a position. I will present a few candidates below and I want you to answer as if you were an employer. Throw your subconscious and “politically correct” facts out the window.

Your candidates all have the same level of experience. Who would you hire? There are four positions available. The job is suitable for disabled people too. Let’s say it’s an office job with accessibility access.

A disabled white person and a non disabled white person. Which out of the two would you hire?

  • A white disabled person
  • A normal person

0 voters

A disabled person of colour of a normal person of colour?

  • A disabled person of colour
  • A normal person of colour

0 voters

A white disabled person or a normal person of colour?

  • A white disabled person
  • A normal person of colour

0 voters

A disabled person of colour or a white normal person?

  • A disabled person of colour
  • A normal white person

0 voters

Rights for us! Speaking of disabled, my stupid legs hurt again.

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Whichever I like best :slightly_smiling_face: disable or not disabled isn’t a criteria


Not everything is about experience. It also depends on how much I’d like the character and how well I’d think they’d fit in with my other workers. It also depends on how much it feels like they’re willing to learn and improve :eyes::sparkles:


Added the #poll tag :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

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I wasn’t able to vote on this poll because it seemed like it’s only focused on the bias of having a “normal” or a disabled person — which I’m assuming that’s the point of this thread. Honestly, if they have all the same levels of experience, then I would focus on what kind of person they are and if they are the kind of person I want in the work environment


Ok but for the purpose of this poll I’m keeping it simple.

Fair enough but for the purpose of this research let’s assume they’re all the same.

Fair enough but I wanna prove a point that normal people will always be favoured over disabled people that’s why I wanted people to vote without thinking about political correctness. And race is a huge factor

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But it isn’t as simple as that. If both are suitable for the job, I wouldn’t be able to pick one just from this information, I’d need to know more about both of them.

So are disabled people not normal in your opinion then?
And what kind of research only gives people so little information that makes it impossible to choose? This is like asking would you hire a green or a blue person, it doesn’t matter if you don’t provide enough additional information. :eyes::sparkles:


I honestly don’t like how you’re differentiating between disabled people, and in your words, ‘normal people’. Because you’re disabled, does that mean you’re not normal? And it’s not about level of experience. For example, let’s say I want to hire someone for a firefighting position. I’d look at the ability and capacity the person can take. So I probably won’t pick someone in a wheelchair to be the ones putting out the fires, but I’d have no problem with them maybe managing the order of things. And it’s also about they’re character, not about a disability. Honestly, even if they’re purple is hire them, if I feel like they’d be suitable for a job. I’m sorry but I feel like there needs to be some more information before you ask people to decide :relieved:


Bingpot .
That one bothered me as well


(That’s for the UK btw I thought I would post it just so you could know how the law covers disabled people in regards to employment in the UK, it’s pretty useful for people who don’t know I just think it’s always good to know your rights)

Now this isn’t me saying that people being fired or refused to be hired for being disabled doesn’t happen I’m saying it isn’t supposed to, it’s against the law, if anyone loses their job it has to be for fair and balanced reasons that apply to everyone. That link also has information about what is supposed to happen in the recruitment process

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Hi, it seems that you have made the polls based only on disabilities and colour of the person. As a rational employer, I think those two characteristics aren’t enough to distinguish between the candidates, even if they have the same level of expertise in the required job position :eyes:


For anyone who doesn’t want to read, I’ll post a screenshot


That’s not what I said. I’m saying that disabled people are always oppressed hence why they will always be less favourable. And yes they are normal but most employers don’t believe that. That’s what I’m trying to highlight

Let’s say the job is for a desk position. Suitable for anyone x

You’re not supposed to highlight your point if you want to poll and see what people actually think :slightly_smiling_face:
Ruins the point


The law is only a peace of paper. I myself have experienced back door discrimination. You can’t prove if an employer has hired someone because they’re disabled or not. You can’t prove that someone has made someone redundant because they’re disabled or not. They’ll just say “oh it’s not because of your disability. We just have to make cutbacks”. Employers are always using these loopholes to justify their actions

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This is my personal opinion the polls are there to prove me wrong (hopefully)

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