A Ranting Thread

I have 44 unread topics left :eyes::eyes::eyes:

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I have 205 unread topics :eyes::rose::two_hearts:


You should read them :eyes::eyes::eyes:


Maybe I will :eyes::eyes::eyes:


It’s a movie based on Cats the broadway musical. It’s suppose to come out the same day ad the last Star Wars Movie.



Wow. Will you see that or Star Wars?

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…Um I speak and write in english but that message makes no sense at all. English is not her main language or she isn’t very good using grammars.



Honestly, who given her the audacity to write trash like that?


Yep, it’s weird that she wrote it in the first place.

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As a bilingual person, I’m questioning if that was even English. Like, umm… Ok… :grimacing:


Definitely agree with you on that. It reads like if someone had wrote the message half asleep.


Oh god that’s funny :joy:

But we shouldn’t be so harsh…


Lol very true, I’m trying not to as harsh about as possible. :rofl:


This might help:

Put your feet up leaning against the wall and lie like that so that the blood can flow from your feet to your head.

I get dizzy spells all the time. Occasionally I have to actually grab something whilst my vision corrects itself. After a race I can’t think straight or walk in a straight line. I have to walk and really concentrate on walking along a line


Thank you for the tip, I’ll try it out.


i hate making posts like these, i’m sorry–

but, anyways, today was, um… i cried a lot. for some reason, it was non-stop? i literally couldn’t stop it, i was so confused lmaoo :sob: & it wasn’t like little tears, i was hyperventilating, couldn’t see, & just screamed, i had to cover my mouth. first was at school. i was like “jesus christ, i’m about to cry” because i literally had no idea why i was. guess there was a few reasons.

  1. my “friend” told someone i like this guy, who i do, but the whole point of this is TRUST. i denied it, and it wasn’t a big deal, but i was annoyed. she wonders why i don’t tell her things. but, yeah, 90% sure that wasn’t the reason.

  2. classes. spanish, & P.E. i despise both, they’re my least favorite classes, with some of my least favorite people. i actually went home early because of them. explained later lmao.

  3. uh, there’s people who i used to care about before they stopped caring about… me. i was thinking about that a lot today, & it always affects me. i just thought i was immune to it? i hardly cried about it-- it was two years ago, almost. it was mostly about one particular person. i always think about him, but making me cry? what the f*ck

  4. besides that one friend from way above, my entire group. they have the power to make me feel so small, figuratively, obviously. anytime my other close friend is sad, it’s the end of the world. “oh my god, are you okay?” “guys, she’s sad!” “awe, tell me what’s wrong.” when i’m not okay? silence. like it means NOTHING. i… hate being with them. it was good but i think people get tired of me.

so, yeah, after i pretended to be sick to get out of school, i got picked up, you know… trying not to cry (: super fun ! THEN, i cried more. girl… what? then, uh… it got worse. yikes. :skull: my progress report card came for math, & it wasn’t the best. so my parents got pissed, & i cried even more. it was… intense. disappointing people just makes me feel like complete sh*t.

you which friends cared about me leaving? none. so… i know it’s a stupid thing to be sad about, but it just kind of makes me feel like i’m not actually there for them because they love me-- it’s like they’re stuck with me.

i always hate making my parents feel like they can’t put trust into me. it happened too many times for me to be okay with it, & then getting accused of not trying enough? i’m pretty sure it’s a natural reaction to cry. oh, which i also get shamed for! “you need therapy. god, we need to sign you up.” “why are you so sensitive?” “stop being upset.” please. don’t. make. me. feel. worse. for. showing. emotion. y’all wanted this for years, then whenever it happens, it’s the end of the world.

i cried for at least 2 hours straight. today was… not a good day. but i’ll try to be better. i have to.


I know how you feel.

I cry all the time.

Sometimes. We cry over what we think are little things, because the real reasons have been bottled up for too long.

I mean. Just earlier this week, I got myself sent home for being I’ll, just to get out of school.

It’s fine to have a break. If you’re parents are worried, just explain to them, if they can’t understand them, then screw em (ik that sounds horrible) you do you, because it’s your life, and no one can tell you how to live it, but you.


I’m hungry… :crying_cat_face::eyes::sparkles:

Ugh, I have been called all these negative things like rude and selfish the last week and that’s kinda getting to me tbh, it makes me insecure if I am the person I thought I was or if I am actually a really unpleasant person :grimacing:


By people on here or irl?