A Ranting Thread

I have serious dry eye. I’m not happy.

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My family is eating steak for Christmas dinner, and it smells so good! I want to SCREAM!

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I have drank so much water today٫ that it hurts٫ but my eye is still blurry and dry!!! WHAT NOW?!

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I think I have asthma :grimacing:

I just ran for four minutes and walked and for six (a kind of two two pattern, on again off again) and still can barely catch my breath
It’s been at least five minutes off the treadmill and yikes, my chest kinda hurts. I’m a bit worried to say the least


Hope you’re better bud :people_hugging::fist:


Thank you, I am now :pray::sob:

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I burned myself on a hot pan. Geez, I’m not having a fun time.

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Man, don’t you hate it when your brother sides with his wife when she’s in the wrong?

So as some of you know that I don’t get a long well with my sister-in-law because she is a shallow woman who does nothing but disrespect me and my mum. Recently, she attacked me and threatened to call the police on me when she was the one who provoked and attacked me. She even told my brother that I attacked her when there is no evidence of bruises on her and not to mention, she has been stealing my food while I was at work. Especially when I put labels saying ‘hands off’ meaning that I paid for most of the stuff in the house. I lost respect for my brother because he acted like I’m the villain in the situation when she’s the one who has caused so much misery. I wasn’t having it that I told both of them to get out! On top of that, she is cheating on my brother with her sister’s husband!!!


(Positive rant) I am so happy I started reading again! I no longer feel the need to fall in love with real people, just fictional people!!! :skull:

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It’s not dry eye. If you remember the cataract…? Yeah. Scar tissue. Fun stuff.

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Scar tissue on your eye?!

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In٫ yes.

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Oh no :grimacing:
Are you okay bro? :sob:

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Yeah٫ my eye’s just blury. What Is a Posterior Capsulotomy? - American Academy of Ophthalmology


literally went to uni early today just to work on my work from monday; they straight up do not have the engine REQUIRED FOR THIS UNIT. unreal is so shit the response times on my laptop are actually immoral. ill ask if we’re allowed to install it later bc apparently they’re only recently phasing unreal back in and there is def enough space to install it, but it will take 50 million years. nice.


Apparently I managed to try the only set of computers in the entire computing block AND library that does not have it installed :sob:


W: Plane Crash rant

This is my take, I’m not an air crash investigator or anything and I’m not stating that my personal take is 100% what happened, I am going based off what we know so far.

The DC plane crash is so upsetting to me considering that it was likely a freak accident and so many lives were lost.

It also doesn’t help that people are making nonsense conspiracy theories that don’t many any type of sense. Like the Russian conspiracy or DT / Elon conspiracy. Frankly, these theories are just spreading disinformation and it’s dumb and hurtful. :woman_shrugging:

Y’all know I love planes and I love flying so of course I took the time to research online the circumstances of the accident. And it seems to have more than one factor that caused it. One thing that I think is a huge factor was the design of that damn airport. Who thought it was a great idea to have the approaching / landing planes cross paths with army base take-offs? Recipe for disaster.

Next thing, ATC should not be understaffed. It is a high-stress and important job so they should be paid more and given proper time to rest. Employers should not be greedy when it comes to ATC jobs, instead hire more people and treat them fairly. ATC has caused accidents over the years (maybe not in this specific crash) because they are understaffed and exhausted.

Lastly, the most compelling theory to me is that the helo was following the wrong plane (they were supposed to watch for the CJR) and crashed into the CJR as a result because they thought the plane had already passed. (Remember how earlier I said that army aircraft crossed paths with commercial aircraft landings, the helo had to slow down and let the CJR pass before they could cross that path).
This makes the most sense to me because of ATC’s instructions, telling the Helo to watch for the CJR. If they saw the wrong plane and thought they were good to go, they could’ve gone and crashed into each other that way. In my opinion, I think this is what happened but I can’t now for sure until the FAA finishes their investigation.

w: mental health rant (tmi heavy on the tmi)

I posted a while back about me having possibly having BPD or some form of OCD or both

Yeah I still think I have it

I can’t say it is getting better but it’s not getting worse

It’s like a cycle

I feel fine

Then I feel great

Then I feel like not existing anymore in the most extreme way possible

And I don’t have anyone I can talk to about this in my real life :woman_shrugging:

I’m trying to find ways where I can at least learn to comfort myself but I find myself always reverting back to harmful habits

I see my doctor in March, I’ll probably ask her about it and see if I can get a psych evaluation

I know what triggers my episodes for the most part but some of the most triggering things are things that I can’t avoid (like my parents)

And triggers aside, I will literally by freaking out for no reason sometimes. It doesn’t make sense.

And I am medicated for depression and anxiety but it barely helps.

My highs are extreme and then my lows are extreme.

It’s just sad that all of this happens to me because of trauma that other people inflicted on me. It’s not even my fault.

I have had to live with severe depression for 8 years and it only gets better for a short time. Always.

And I know it’s slowly getting worse each time because I don’t even feel bad for relasping anymore, it’s like I want to do it again.

I have talked to my parents about getting a psych evaluation but most places around me only offer virtual appointments and I would just rather speak in person. So idk what to do anymore really.

I’m also scared that if I go full mask off on a psychologist that they will send straight to the mh.

Also, I have tried therapy three times, and that does not work for me. I gave it a fair chance and it doesn’t help me.

At this point my only hope is a psychologist.


Tired of my narcissist mom and wh–e of an ex-little sister.


Ok so another extremely TMI rant (skip if you can’t handle crazy TMI)

W: Mj & mental health (yk what i mean)

This still upsets me to this day even though it was a whole month ago

So when I came back from having the time of my life in Portugal, I noticed that my room was completely gone through and reorganized. But I didn’t even need to see that my room was completely gone through to believe it because my sister told me that my mom had gone through my room while I was away.

My sister also told me that my mom took my eddies, which pissed me off obviously. Not only did she take the eddies, she LEFT my cigs and dispos, untouched. So I can smoke, but not eat edibles. WHAT?? That does not make any sense.

Also, everything that I don’t want her to see like the maryjane and my :rose: among other things of that nature WAS IN MY NIGHTSTAND. So she literally searched my room from top to bottom while I was away.

AND SHE NEVER TALKED ABOUT IT EVERRRR. She just pretended like nothing happened. My parents know that I like maryjane and I have told them that it helps me GREATLY with my mental health. But of course they don’t give not one f*ck about that. It’s all about control. :woman_shrugging:

EVEN THOUGH I talked to my doctor about it and she said it was fine, no problem, just be careful with the sourcing. :skull: Yeah I know I’m not 21, but if 18 year olds can get addicted to nicotine and drink alcohol all over the world, I should be able to have my one substance (i don’t drink unless it’s a once a year family function).

And in my grand opinion, maryjane eddies is not nearly as bad for you as alcohol.

Not only did my mother prove to me once again that she cannot be trusted, but I still can’t get over the fact that SHE LEFT MY CIGS. LIKE WHAT?? If you’re going to take things from me, take the most harmful not the least harmful.

She ignored the fact that I told her “hey, taking a lil gummy helps my mind to relax and stop my intrusive thoughts, it also helps my mood and makes me less emotional”. :skull:

Also this whole thing about me being gone for a week and mom taking it as an indication to go through her 18 year old daughter’s room is whackk af.

This made me spiral so bad when I got home, and it literally gave me a panic attack because I felt so disgusted and violated.