A Ranting Thread

I really haven’t had an easy few days emotionally, so I decided to stay home today. But I am proud of myself, proud of myself for getting through this and staying optimistic!


YESS! that’s definitely worth being very happy about :blush::+1:t4:.

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Same. I don’t know how I’m still alive sometimes.

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You’ll be alright. Just gotta take it one day at a time :blush:.

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I honestly don’t know how I’m feeling today, my heart is just mentally drained from feeling a lot of pain.

I’m so frustrated reading how Russia is trying to frame that Ukraine is responsible for what happened in Moscow. Obviously it’s heartbreaking what happened, the terrorist attack by IS, with over a 100 people who lost their lives. But this isn’t done by Ukraine, but even if they’re aware of that, I fear they’ll continue to try and blame it on Ukraine to justify certain actions of ‘revenge’ in the war

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I get it. Russia just needs to stop.

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I agree, I’ve been reading about a lot of these things, and it’s just…… I honestly don’t have a word. :pensive: I can’t even imagine what those people went through - and their families, It’s horrible.

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I was pushing down my umbrella, and didn’t realize my finger was in the way. :sob:

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I was walking down the sidewalk, minding my own business, and burped. It wasn’t a burp. I then proceeded to violently gag, nearly hurling again.


Ouch, that’s gotta suck.


It was great. /s

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Oh my goodness! I just got done with my English state exam, I’m so tired and in need of caffeine and I have to go back and do the other have tomorrow and then on Saturday I have a huge math exam and other things. I just got sooo much to do!!!:cold_sweat::roll_eyes:

Send help!!!

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I’ve been freaking struggling with imbedding this excel sheet in my word document for an hour now, and I still haven’t made it work properly :sob: I’m getting so frustrated… But I need to get it done


Quite a different rant this time, Mark Rutte (who’s been Prime Minster of the Netherlands for like 12 years?) will most likely become the next sort of person in charge of the the NAVO. If his cabinets couldn’t even control the Netherlands without massively messing up, how will he ever be in charge of a massive international institution such as the NAVO? Idk why, but it worries me a little bit…

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The fun time when you just want breakfast for dinner٫ but there’s a freaking PARTY in the cafeteria. 90% of the school٫ myself included٫ has exams tomorrow. I get destressing٫ but what the HELL was that?! I’m so p!ssed right now٫ and I have a raging headache. 8am exam tomorrow. I have to get up at 7. Sorry for blowing up. Just…WHY. I have half a mind to break out my post exam Seagram’s٫ but I can’t have brain fog tomorrow. I want to cry.

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I hate my parents for ruining me

Said it so many times but the suffering doesn’t end

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My health is rapidly declining but I have no guts to tell anyone

I lost like 6 pounds in 3 weeks because I’ve literally been nauseous every single day and even the smell of food is bleh so I might be dying but it’s ok


I’m gonna start keeping track of it because it’s genuinely insane how I can’t eat a full meal


Go to a doctor, please. This sounds quite serious, and it’s better to actually get it checked!