A Ranting Thread

The fun time when you just want breakfast for dinner٫ but there’s a freaking PARTY in the cafeteria. 90% of the school٫ myself included٫ has exams tomorrow. I get destressing٫ but what the HELL was that?! I’m so p!ssed right now٫ and I have a raging headache. 8am exam tomorrow. I have to get up at 7. Sorry for blowing up. Just…WHY. I have half a mind to break out my post exam Seagram’s٫ but I can’t have brain fog tomorrow. I want to cry.

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I hate my parents for ruining me

Said it so many times but the suffering doesn’t end

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My health is rapidly declining but I have no guts to tell anyone

I lost like 6 pounds in 3 weeks because I’ve literally been nauseous every single day and even the smell of food is bleh so I might be dying but it’s ok


I’m gonna start keeping track of it because it’s genuinely insane how I can’t eat a full meal


Go to a doctor, please. This sounds quite serious, and it’s better to actually get it checked!


I agree with Jass, my uncle went a super long time without eating and he was actually about to die because of malnutrition and believe me it’s very painful so yes go to a doctor before something happens that you can’t fix it yourself.


And if you’ve lost that much weight, that can becomes dangerous, especially if your throwing up.


Honestly, I’m just here, my birthday is tomorrow but it’s just very hard to feel excited about it ( even though I share mine with my grandma) because my mother again can’t even come from VA to see me and it’s been like that for every birthday, my big play, not even for Christmas for the past 4 and a half YEARS!!! either, and the worst part is that she’s been missing big moments of my life. She’s bipolar and she’s been through a lot even before she had me…. My grandma was always working and going from guy to guy because she couldn’t stay in a stable relationship. My grandpa was cast out from her so she had I rough childhood. She had me at a very young age and she had to give me up to my great aunt for a while so things where or have always been weird like that. Honestly I hate to be bitter but it’s just a lot on my mind and I just…. I want my mom to be with me and there for me I know that she’s got my younger siblings to worry about but she should a least be here.


Sorry, I normally try not to, well, Rage like that I just have a lot going on rn…

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Awww thank you so much for that :face_holding_back_tears::blush:.


I’m sorry you’re going through this!

I hope you have an amazing birthday!


Happy Birthday, I hope you feel better today and I hope your parents appreciate you

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Thanks for that you guys are amazing! I actually talked to my mother earlier this morning and she understands now so my overall mood is pretty high rn :grin:


Glad to hear it :slight_smile:

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Ok٫ I’m not sure٫ but I think I ate dog food. There was this…mystery meat in the fridge…
Edit: Not dog food. Just weird steak.


Umm did you take your dog to the vet?:eyes:

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She’s fine٫ lol.

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You know what? at this point, I’m done settling for myself and caring so much about what the hell people think or what they say about me. Honestly I’mma just admit to myself that I’ve always been self conscious or have kept my guard up just of my anxiety, self doubt, and, well just overall crap that I emotionally and physically put up with just because of the unfortunate circumstances of being me! SO yeah I’m just gonna do me from now on and I know that people are probably going to look at me or whatever but that’s their opinion, and in all honesty I don’t give a damn!

So sorry I swore so much, but honestly this was the last time I’m letting myself go and fall into my own depression hell whole.


Sorry for the (censored) swearing but I’m actually upset.


I’m f-cking hurt. I had a massive argument with my parents today. They were mad at me for not doing some chore, when I was mad over them expecting that from me without communicating it clearly. Them not acknowledging that in any way just pissed me off even more. So yeah, right now I don’t feel comfortable being here, so I might go stay with my bf for a few days until things have settled down and they see some sense that they can’t expect things from me when I’m not even aware that’s expected from me.
Especially now I’m so busy with uni, you have to really clearly communicate with me when you want something from me, and if they don’t do that, it’s not my fault. Indirect communication simply doesn’t work cause I’m too f-cking tired to pick up on that sh-t, and they know that


Aw I’m sorry.

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