A thread for those who want help with making their RP or SG

MWAHAHAHAHAHA! You’re welcome?



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@elixr how’s the sg coming alone? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I am thinking of making a new fantasy rp, but I’m going to need help with hosting. I did ask @FuzilladeBlue to help but with this idea I might need another person to help with keeping up. :thinking:


What SG lol?






I always wanted to make an SG! I am too busy, tho (and I can’t write). Maybe someday.


(fingers crossed)

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Whoops. Voted rather than just looking at the poll. Though can help with either if you need it.

I guess me asking you to discuss it with me first isn’t going to happen when we discovered we had similar ideas. Guess I won’t be doing mine at the end of the year. (Pouts)

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Depends on what yours is about, so yes let’s discuss because mine is very open world based.

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Yes, as is mine. As an RP with four kingdoms (or even just more than one) usually is. Even though the one I wanted to do is sorta already on here (though stolen & archived) in the public eye, I’m not wanting to share too much here. I put a lot of work into at the time and really worry that the idea will be taken from me again. So I don’t really want to share until I do it for that reason, you know, just insecurities.
All I was asking for was a nice PM to layout out what yours was about, so that if it is the similar (like I know it is) then I will postpone doing mine for another year. That’s all. You know, that nicety RP rule we have of checking with fellow RPers who want to create similar, if not the same RPs.

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and I just send the pm :wink:
No worries Cal, I’m not planning on stealing anything. If it does turn out to be simulair, I’m sure we can work it out to make it different. :two_hearts:
and knowing me, it might take over a year to finish planning this.

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Oh, whoops. I wasn’t trying to say you were, nor (I hope) anyone in this community. I was just saying that that’s why I didn’t wanna share mine in public. (wink) Sorry for the confusion.

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I know, I know, it’s all good. :hugs:
And I didn’t want you to think I was just jumping the gun. I just honestly forgot it and got a little too excited :sweat_smile:

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Fair, Fair. I’m excited that you’re excited.

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An RP cafe???

What is that? Is it an actual RP or something like the Saasha’s Fast Food Centre?

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Righto. Fair enough.

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That was me just understanding, I think. (wink)

@taking0ver remember how you told me that you’d like to make rp’s but wanted some help, maybe this thread is useful for you as well, you can find a partner to co-host and then brainstorm together on ideas before posting it in the new idea thread!

@RPers this goes for everyone, if you want to try hosting an RP or SG but like to do it together, this is the place to be!