Are you new to the forums? Ever stumbled across a conversation and have no clue what we were talking about? We’ve all been there! Joining a new community can be difficult when its members are using abbreviations like “MC”, “POC” or “OP” without explaining what they are.
Well this thread is here to help you!
I’ve created this wiki thread so that our most loyal and dedicated users can keep our new community members up to date with the words we use and how we use them.
If you’re new, welcome and I hope this helps you! If you’re a forums veteran, please add as many definitions as you would like! As long as they’re PG13, of course!
Main character. This is used when we are talking about films, tv shows, books, games or any other medium where you can enjoy stories.
Original Poster. We use it to refer to the one who created a certain thread.
Bring up my post. This is used when a thread drops in activity and people feel as though it still needs attention.
Love interest. This refers to the love interest of the MC (main character) in a story.
Person/People Of Color. It is used to describe a person (or people) who isn’t considered white.
Something an artist will put on their work so that it can’t be stolen.
A personal message, for like one-on-one conversation
It is a short for “moderator” (a staff member).
It stands for “Laughing My Ass Off”. When someone uses that phrase, he uses it to indicate that something is very funny (like, it makes him laugh very hard).
It stands for “Laugh Out Loud” or “Laughing Out Loud”. Usually, people use it to indicate a smile or slight amusement. (Or when they actually laugh)