A Very Haunted Beach Day
Description; you on the beach having a good time and all of the sudden someone or something was going to happen in the haunted beach.
You can also use haunted park, mansion, hotel, and house. If you don’t want to use the beach. If you need a example of ideas. Here haunted beach in California I been watching https://youtu.be/f3cGDcASnvo
Yes everyone can start roleplay. Use your character think about what your character would do in a haunted beach, park, and house. It doesn’t have to be at the beach.
I’m sorry, but what characters? There’s been no sign up. No one has anything to look off of. Unfortunatly there isn’t really any plot. You can’t just throw someone somewhere without information and say, heres a roleplay. Please plan them out more before you start one.
I know you’re kind of new to these roleplaying ideas however we’re starting to get a balance and such. First you need a descriptive plot if anyone is to participate!! We need to know what we’re roleplaying about, where, when and how and everything! Every good post needs a base. Once you get that post it here in order to gain attention and attraction! You should make sure your roleplay is organized so everyone understand and this post will help. you! Keep these in mind as you roleplay! Until then, once you have a stable plot, a place to sign up characters, faceclaims I reccomend you close this which the @moderators can do for you!