About Our Wonderful Users with DID

Hi everyone! I had a wonderful suggestion on the new rules form that I think I need to discuss!

It is regarding users with DID.

I’d like to first say that we absolutely understand that alters are separate, individual people with their own needs and desires. So, they are entitled to their own separate accounts.

With that in mind, please let one of the @AdminTeam know if your alters are going to create their own accounts so that we don’t see the same IP address and assume one person is making loads of accounts.

In terms of discrimination against people with DID, this is covered in our current hate speech and discrimination rules. You must not discriminate against people with DID or say anything that we would consider to be a slur or hate speech.

However, I also have want to make something clear: disliking an alter for their personality or any other reasons why you might dislike a person is not discrimination. Please just don’t blame the system for the actions of one alter. That would be discrimination.

I hope that makes sense.



Added some tags :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

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Sounds valid, but I would suggest that the alters should put some sort of reference on their profiles so we know what system they belong to. No force, though.


The current rule about alters’ accounts is a follows:

For users with DID, alters are separate people and therefore it is entirely acceptable for each alter to have their own account. If you have DID or any other extenuating circumstances, please inform @ShanniiWrites as to why alt accounts may be created and we will try to come to an agreement with you.

But I’m gonna be more specific later


This is a great idea! Full transparency and all!


Yeah, but it should not feel like some sort of David’s star or stigma… :thinking:

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