So I was kinda wondering how many people lurk on the forum or is active so if you are active or saw this thread put your username below
- @Dusk
- @Camila
- @CerealKiller
- @Bonswayout
- @/maiarose
- @Rainbow
- @/Duckling
- @/idiot.exe
- @/Divcp
- @minoesje
- @/YoTanaka
- @hail_hailey
- @/Skyler2
- @/TheDancingFryer
- @/Peppermints
- @/AS007
- @/Rose
- @/Caticorn
- @Eliza
- @/rozie
- @/coco
- @/unicornio
- @/WritingWithStars
- @/AnnSza
- @LHT
- @Kristi
- @Eccentric
- @/Nil
- @Soleil
- @/PropertyofNae
- @/sunflower.flow
- @Crimsonn
- @/Madilnel
- @/passionfruit
- @/Secretz
- @/Eleanor_W-15
- @/CrazyCaliope
- @/Camila
- @/ChaoticDeluge
- @/zoe4564
- @/LunaticLeviTheSecond
- @/Ouijaloveletters
- @/CerealKiller
- @/EmilyJunkie
- @/Kittenlove
- @/Littlefeets
- @/Caticorn
- @/astxrism
- @/unsungcheerio
- @katabasis
- @~Mouschi
- @/silverkittrn
- @/SnowyStar
I’m pretty active
I think I’m pretty active…
Please don’t add a tag to my username, I don’t want to receive a notif whenever someone edits this
Oh sorry
Didn’t realize you get tagged when someone edits it
I’m not that active but I saw this thread so it counts, no?
I’m active, but idk for how long that will still be. I have been procrastinating a lot lately and my homework has been piling up
Wondering when were gonna reach 100
Same, you should take a break from the forum to finish all your homeworks before you end up failing
Iam active
What is this and why was I tagged just now?
Well I decided to make a thread to see how many active users are here out of the 750+ and i was bored and decided to add the people that I saw was active just now
I’m putting this on normal so I don’t get notified again
I’m somewhat active. Currently trying to be more active but school, musical theatre, and other things are taking up my time.
Uh, yeah, ya know I am. Though why do we need this list?
Same, I’m on here daily.