Adventure Story RP sign-ups (& chat)

Can I still join this SG :eyes:?

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The SG or this RP, @LHT?

It works now!

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Oof yeah this RP then I thought this was a SG at first, but I see I misread the title :flushed:

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Oooh… HAHAHA. Righto. Yes, you can still join. I’m only just about to start my first one today. Do you wanna be in a 1x1 or with one other person or both?

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I would prefer to be with one other person if that’s possible or a group :eyes:

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Yeah, absolutely. I believe @Nil wants to do a paired one too since she voted for it. So I can pair you two up. Sound good?


Sounds good to me

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Wicked. Feel free to create your character when you’re ready. The form is in the OP.

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Wait wait wait no bio is required? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
WHy have I not started then smh I was literally procrastinating because of the bio


HAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, no bio. You can have one in your head but not one written down, the character doesn’t need it since it’s about the character adventure. (wink)

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Okay I should have it in later today then probably~ :relieved:

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Wicked. Guessing it’ll be for your 1x1?

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Nah for the group ‘cause it sounds like Brooke is close to finishing hers so I don’t want to make her wait too long ha

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Oh, really? She’s made her first one for her 1x1 but hasn’t replied to the RP yet. So it’s fine to do the 1x1 if you want. So you can get started. (wink)

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Oh, I saw that she said she was almost done with the second when she posted for Sage, so I figured it’s best to at least finish this one so that I don’t have to hold her up or anything!
Lmao well I’ll definitely start the 1x1 one, but I already finished the group one soo :full_moon_with_face:

~ e e v a ~

Name: Eeva Koskinen

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual

Two Preferred Weapons: Morning Star and Throwing Spear/Javelin

Two Outfits: ( and ( - idk which one is the wearer yet lmao

Choose a potion: Stamina

Skill, Stamina, luck: Stamina, Skill, Luck

Three numbers: 1, 1, 6

Personality: Eeva is closed-off and reserved, keeping her personal thoughts and opinions close to herself. She is pretty distrusting, liking to verify every piece of information she receives and second-guessing everyone’s true intentions. She has a hard time warming up to strangers, but communicating with them isn’t difficult for her, she would just prefer not to. Eeva doesn’t like talking for no reason and she isn’t one to aimlessly chatter about a topic she’s got no interest in, or simply to fill the silence. Every word that leaves her mouth has been carefully picked and analyzed for future consequences. In regular conversation, she tries to avoid conflict, but since she has a pretty hot-temper and she always thinks that people are trying to scam her, this goal often isn’t achieved. That isn’t to say she never takes risks; Eeva always follows her gut, even if it pushes her to take a dangerous risk. She can be pretty impulsive in her actions as she often does before actively thinking about it. Or simply not discussing her thoughts with the people who should be part of the decision. Eeva looks out for herself first and foremost, even if she’s in a group. She believes in the “no man left behind” but to an extent; she’ll do her best to keep a group member alive but she isn’t someone who would sacrifice her life to save someone else. She isn’t one to cry, but she does feel things just like everyone else, no matter how much she tries to deny any feeling of emotion. Eeva has been through a lot and is a tough woman, very determined and being able to persevere through difficult situations. She doesn’t give up on anything and Eeva is someone who will go down fighting, no matter what.

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HAHA. Alright then. Thank you, lovely. I’m adding her now but where is her FC?

Edit: Oh, wait, whoops. Found it directly under her name. My bad. Sorry.

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Lmao I was about to say- :full_moon_with_face:
Anyway is good loll

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And for the 1x1~

~ k a e d e ~

Name: Kaede Mercia

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Sexuality: Homosexual

Two Preferred Weapons: Curved Daggers and Throwing Stars

Two Outfits: ( and (

Choose a potion: Stamina

Skill, Stamina, luck: Skill, Luck, Stamina

Three numbers: 2, 1, 5

Personality: Kaede is a friendly guy, offering kindness to everyone he meets, but his kindness shouldn’t be taken as a weakness as it doesn’t make him any more naive. He’s actually a pretty clever guy, but he doesn’t think that being rude makes him any less smart. He still takes his precautions when meeting new people and he doesn’t let his guard down so easily, but he thinks that he can still give anyone the basic kindness he thinks they deserves. Kaede has a particularly large soft spot for children and he still finds it hard to believe that they’d be capable of tricking him. He thinks first impressions are a huge indicator of someone’s true character, so if he met someone who left a good impression on him and they later betrayed him, it would take him a bit before he realized that they weren’t trustworthy. He would remember these things, whether or not he can trust someone, and it influences his future decisions. Kaede isn’t the kind of person to make the same mistake more than once. He is hesitant to give out second chances, but if the person seems genuine and has proved their regret, then he will give them another chance. He absolutely does not give out third opportunities to regain his trust, however. Kaede is observant and always aware of his surroundings, even if it seems like he isn’t paying attention. Along with his quick reflexes, he isn’t easily taken off guard. He enjoys companionship but he is also fine to be on his own. He tends to run from commitment and much prefers one night hookups with men rather than long-term relationships. He likes affection, but too much of it can feel suffocating to him. He can be unpredictable at times; sometimes you think Kaede is going to one thing and then he turns around and does the other.

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Wicked. He’s up and I’ll start your RP off shortly. (wink)

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