Adventure Story RP sign-ups (& chat)

Again, this will be similar to the old adventure books/stories, where you get to choose your own path, except this time it’s a story I have created and completely planned out. It will be an RP, though a little different in how it’s run. You play as your character but I SG along with you, giving you setting, creatures, and just general events.

I am willing to play out multiple versions of the adventure for RPers, whether 1x1s or small groups.

Skill, Stamina, Luck

You will give a score for each one, but they change constantly during the adventure. However, totals may never exceed your initial scores, except on rare occasions.

This score reflects how well you can fight and use a weapon. This is the only score that can stay relatively unaffected.

This score reflects your well-being, your determination and overall fitness. When a stamina score reaches zero, the result is death.

This score reflects how lucky you are. You can use luck at various times. In battle or in other situations, but be aware that you can be lucky or unlucky. If you are lucky, great, but if you are unlucky then the results can disastrous. When using luck in battles, you can use it to inflict a more serious wound on the creature you have wounded or to minimise the effects of a wound inflicted on you.

I will be making sure luck is fair when you use it and be rolling dice to determine the outcome. If you have a higher luck score, the higher your chance to be lucky! Though each time you test your luck, you will subtract on point from your score.


You will often come across creatures on your travels. Some may be friendly and others may not. At times, you may be given the option of either being sneaky or to flee. Although, if not, or if you choose not to, you will battle the creature.

During a battle, you will be given the creature’s stamina and skill score. Depending on your attacks, movement, and other choices, will depend on the damage you cause and how much is caused to you. Getting damaged will make your stamina (and possibly skill) level to decrease, meaning you will be weaker in the battle unless you manage to restore it. You may have to fight more than one monster at a time, but you will be told how to deal with it when it happens.

If you decide to flee during a battle, then it should be noted that the creature automatically gets one wound on you.

Equipment & Potions

You will start with the bare minimum of equipment, but you can find or buy more during your travels. You are armed with two weapons of choice and your own choice of dress. You will have a backpack for your Provisions and any treasures you come across.

In addition, you may take one bottle of magic potion to help aid you in your quest. These can be taken at any time during the quest, except when engaged in battle. Each potion may only be used once.

Here are the choices:
A potion of skill - restores your skill points
A potion of strength - restores your stamina points
A potion of fortune - restores your luck points and adds one to your initial score.

Your character is the “hero” of the story and is hired to basically stop an impending war, not that they know this until the RP starts. They are hired-adventurers known only for the tasks they do and not for who they were before this chosen career path. They receive the “mission” or “quest” at the start and will undergo many challenges in order to complete it. Something is missing, or was it stolen, and they have to get in back in time before war breaks out. Your character chooses the path, their weapon, clothing, and even how they interact and battle. Will they be successful or die trying?


There’s no form this time, just post your character below.
If you want to be part of a 1x1 and a group, that’s cool but the adventure is the same, so I recommend creating two characters.
I will start immediately after the characters are created!

Age: (Teens are a little too young)
Two Preferred Weapons: (Nothing too modern, but guns are okay if they’re not too extreme)
Two Outfits: (One to wear, one to pack. They can be chosen later)
Choose a potion: (read above)
Skill, Stamina, luck: (choose the order from your best to worst)
Three numbers: (Three numbers from 1-6, the same numbers can be chosen)
Personality: (If you want, you can be very brief with this.)



@Nil, @Littlefeets, @phnx, @Skyler2, @unsungcheerio, and @sunflower.flow.

And readers:
@Sophia1233, @LHT, @GlitterFist, and my little stalking brother, @ChaoticDeluge. (wink)


Those who want to might want to be part of this, do you…?

  • Just a 1x1
  • In a group of 2
  • In a group of 3
  • In a group of 4
  • Can it be 5+?
  • Can I be in more than one adventure?

0 voters


@unsungcheerio and @Littlefeets, you can be in more than one, as I stated under sign-ups in the OP. So if you want you can start creating a character for your 1x1s whenever. (wink)


I have an idea for my character (mostly put together in my head already) but I just can’t decide if they’re better as a guy or girl… :woman_facepalming:t2:

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HAHAHA! Flip a coin? Or Non-binary?


This sounds interesting and I may join.
But I wanted to ask what’s the difference between an RP and SG.

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Why must this be such a struggle… Non-binary could possibly work though. :thinking: However I’ve never made a non-binary character, so that’d be new.

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An RP is were RPers write for their own characters and an SG is where the story creator does all the writing for the RPers’ characters.

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Umm… (shrug) Writing is hard? No, uh, decisions are hard? … Just flip a coin or spin a wheel to help you decide.

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Decisions are so much more difficult than they should be. I’ll look at my character some more and think on it some more. Then if I still can’t come up with something I can spin a wheel.

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@Nil, if you want to be in more than one, that’s cool. So if you want you can start creating a character for your 1x1 whenever. (wink)

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Judging on the poll for group adventures, it works out eventually with two pairings and a group of four or just four pairings. Which sounds better to you?

  • A group of two
  • A group of four

0 voters


@unsungcheerio, @Littlefeets, @phnx, @Nil, @passionfruit, @sunflower.flow, @LunaticLeviTheSecond, and @elixr


@unsungcheerio, @Littlefeets, @nil, and @LunaticLeviTheSecond, I’m just waiting for your vote. ^^^


Okay… so here’s the list that you’ve decided on…

So you can start creating your character(s), the form is in the OP. Remember that the sooner it’s made, the sooner I’ll start your adventure. (wink)


I’m half asleep finishing them up, but here’s the first of my two characters. (This one’s for the 1x1) And I’m about halfway-ish done with the guy for the group.

Name: Sage Fletcher
Gender: Non-Binary
Age: (Teens are a little too young) 25
Sexuality: Pansexual


Two Preferred Weapons: (Nothing too modern, but guns are okay if they’re not too extreme)
Throwing knives or a crossbow
Two Outfits: (One to wear, one to pack. They can be chosen later)
Choose a potion: (read above)
Skill, Stamina, luck: (choose the order from your best to worst)
Luck, Skill, Stamina
Three numbers: (Three numbers from 1-6, the same numbers can be chosen)
3, 5, 5
Personality: (If you want, you can be very brief with this.)
Sage is an individual that does what they want and takes what they want. They have no issue with doing things that would be frowned upon if the focus wasn’t on the more notable things they had done. They are someone who will blend into a crowd and sneak around however necessary, even if they dislike it when the benefit is great enough, to achieve their goal, which may be for the good of someone else, or because of seeing something they want. Sage looks out for Sage first and foremost, even if they play it off like that’s not the case. They show the face that will get them the most in the end, whatever that may be at any given moment.

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In the FCs, babe, will start you 1x1 within the next day. (wink)

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:+1:t2: Also, the faceclaims won’t open…

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Whaaat? Why not?

Edit: I went back in and recopied the link. Hope it works.

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