All Ages, All Faces Outfit Contest

Hey y’all! I’m back with another outfit contest. Yesterday’s Episode art release was [Limelight] All Ages, All Faces, which gave us new face shapes for all ages as well as some new hair!

As per usual, you have until Wednesday to join this competition. Your outfit must include at least 2 items from the new update, but you can use more if you want! You can only use one image, and use the outfits and the image to create a scene/story behind it.

The winner is decided by a community vote, and the winner receives a badge and bragging rights for a week. :grin: :rainbow: :unicorn:

Enjoy the contest, and happy designing! :rainbow: :unicorn:


I’m in


I’m in


i’m in

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I’m in :sunflower:

I’d like to join! Do we just post here whenever?

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My entry :slight_smile: Used new hairstyle and face shape.

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A reminder that today is your last day to enter!!

@celestialkitten @Yomama @Lynai @anon80318563

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i totally forgot that-

I’ll post mine this evening!! :sunglasses:


version 1

capture edited2

version 2

Here is mine lmao.

Here we go!


Aunt Saf, Uncle Abbas, and cousins Emiliano, Emilianna, Adib, and Sophia

Screenshot 2020-04-15 17.45.06

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My portal preview ain’t working so I can’t do this.


No worries!

Alright! Time to vote! The poll is scheduled to close when the new update is released.

  • lamecast88’s entry
  • Lynai’s first entry
  • Lynai’s second entry
  • chamoybebe’s entry
  • CoffeeAunt’s entry

0 voters

@lamecast88 @Lynai @chamoybebe @anon80318563 @Yomama @celestialkitten

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can we vote for ourselves?

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The results are in…
@Lynai, @anon80318563, and @chamoybebe are the winners for this week! :partying_face:

Would you like to be tagged in this week’s contest?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

@celestialkitten @lamecast88 @Yomama