An Idea For Episode Writers!

For some, script writing can be hard, and long. You have endless ideas and you try to write them out on the script, but you get bored because you can’t see your idea come to life fast enough! And then you get discouraged by directing! That’s my problem!
I get bored writing the script- but what if there were a faster, easier way to make a mock story that would bring your ideas to life, so that script writing would be easier?
Well, there’s this other section of story writing on Episode, the Mobile Creations!
I don’t think a lot of people use this because it has limited features- it can only be done in ink, it doesn’t have the latest clothes/character styles/backgrounds - it doesn’t even have all of the OLD backgrounds!
However, it is easier to use and even though you can’t get perfect results, you can use it to map out your story and then when you go to code, you can add more detail to the scenes you already made!
I’m using this for one of my stories, and thought it would be a great resource for everyone else (who doesn’t already use it) as well!


yes i use it all the time to get my stories going lol :joy::sparkling_heart:


Lol sadly it doesn’t exist anymore.

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