Anime for children

There’s quite a lot of anime out there, some of it is family friendly! Upon googling it I saw some of my favourite anime movies, Spirited Away, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Howl’s Moving Castle.

I guess in terms of anime shows the first one that comes to mind is Pokemon. But I’m sure there are more!


What anime for children do you guys know?


Does Sailor Moon count?
Never seen it, but that’s a kids anime…
Or maybe not. Idk.

Depends on the age of the children. 10-16, can pretty much watch any sports anime. Any anime like demon slayer, Ponyo, and maybe fruit basket. There’s a lot of new Yugioh that’s centered around kids too.

Dragon ball, though it do have a lot of adult jokes
Little witch acedemy
most magical girls series. though keep away from Magicka Madoka Puella Magicka

It also have some adult scene tho
And I think Pokemon also contains some joke/dialog

Eek I hope Death Note is Good except killing peeps

My Hero Academia

A̶t̶t̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶O̶n̶ ̶T̶i̶t̶a̶n̶ ̶

I mean, a joke/dialogue can be fine, those are usually thrown in to appeal to older audiences as well as younger ones

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Pokemon was always on the kids channel growing up, I think people under and overestimate kids. Kids can hear swear words and if you don’t repeat or make a big deal out of it, they probably won’t repeat it. Especially if you don’t acknowledge it if they do. I do not remember if pokemon swears though.


Disney movies make adult jokes too, are they for grown ups? They’re family friendly

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I guess arietty?