Anonymous Advice - Crushing part 2

Anonymous Advice - Crushing part 2

"Heya it’s me again, the same girl from the first anonymous advice about crushing- sooooo me and my crush are getting closer and going pretty well (cuz I picked up the courage to talk with him) and my friend told me that she saw some signs that my crush might like me back. (I noticed some too) I just played PUBG with him and I heard he mentioned that he may deal with the relationship after graduating high school (because his grandma heard my voice through his phone and she’s like wow wow is that your girlfriend XDD) so I assume he doesn’t want to start a relationship right now.’ Now I’m kinda scared that he already knows that I have a crush on him and my friends keeps telling me to go and confess as soon as possible (so I said to them that I might confess to him on my birthday which is this month) Do you guys have any better ways for me to do? If not, suggest me some good songs to confess XDDD (but not the too obvious one) Sorry if this is long XDD

This person is aged 16-18 :))



God the font is killing my brain

But anyway
I personally agree with them and thing you should tell him
Don’t know about the song but theres a thread about it I assume it’s the same person but doesn’t matter, either way there are many songs there. not sure if songs are the best way I think you should just sit down and talk
As hard as that sounds it’s just genuine
But that’s just my opinion

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Oof I’m sorry, that is hard to read, I didn’t realise

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This was some time ago and I’m actually curious if this worked out, I hope it did!
I know my friends also always tell me to confess my feelings to people but you should never feel pressured to do that. I did it three times, for one of them I didn’t even really have feelings, I just thought I have to confess something :sweat_smile:
For me, I decided that there are more subtle ways of showing that I have feelings for someone (yes, I’m going to pretend that I can be subtle if I have feelings for someone which actually isn’t true :joy:) Hinting on those feelings also makes a way better story for your friends :smile_cat:
No, in all honesty, do what seems right to you. I hope the person asking for advice here did whatever seemed right in that moment!


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