This thread is where you can ask any of the Staff Members questions so you can get to know us better. We are happy to answer any questions! Be respectful when asking your questions please. If you have questions that are about our jobs as staff members then please ask them on this question form now that the other form has been shut down. We will happily answer those questions. As warned, do not bring up topics that should not be brought to the public. If it is a private issue then please contact one of the staff members via pm instead of on this form. I’m saying you can’t ask those questions but just use common sense when thinking about how that question should be asked. If you know it’s going to cause drama in the community then asks the question privately, please. No Slandering anyone’s name. I will not sit idly by if I see any of that happening. You know who you are so please take that as a final warning. This is supposed to be a fun way to make it easier for users to talk to staff members so please don’t cause me to have to take drastic measures. Everyone is enjoying this and let’s leave it at that. Have fun asking the questions you would like to ask!
Here is the forms to use:
Play nice with others.
Have fun while asking questions.
If I see any fighting I will give you a warning before a mod has to step in.
@Announcements updated list with the correct staff members.
Disclaimer: I just wanted to put this out there but if some of the staff do not answer your questions don’t be upset about it. We might not feel comfortable answering certain questions is all.
FirstQuestionEveryStaffMember Doyouspendmoretimeontheforumsorofftheforums?
I spend a bit more on the forums then I did before I became a leader. I’m on here more than most people think.
SecondQuestionEveryStaffMember What’syourfavoritepartaboutbeingonthestaff?
Tough Question, I would say my favorite part of being a Leader is getting to take tasks and engage with the other users during discussions.