Yes…74 tasks in one week
If you come for it, you will awaken the beast in me and I’ll go straight for the highest
i feel like the task limit is gonna make it hard to claim that many things because other people will claim things
Reeeeee limit
Actually the fact I claimed 74 that week is the reason for the limit since people said they had no tasks to claim but I’ll stop talking now
i really wanna try to do 74 tasks now
*75 to break the record
of course! can’t just equal it
i think i can get like 40 things signed up for if i do a whole bunch of stuff multiple people can do
you can try
But I will come out and defeat you all
And on the 19th of June 2020 the head of general moderation declared war against her own team
higher total staff task numbers wouldn’t be bad
oh shush, we will get out
Competition would imply it isn’t a massacre
Stands on top of a chair
Oh no…someone woke up the beast again!
Question for All Staff Members
What do the backup staff members do? :)
I’m blanking on what they do right now. So the others can answer.
They can step up if someone needs a lot of time away on the team temporarily or they can be chosen as replacements if a staff member steps down or is removed
I’m not the right person to ask, but I think that they’re the people who are asked to become staff if there’s a minor issue, especially outside of a hiring spree. I think they also get a higher trust level