Anxiety Thread!

Hey guys so um I wanted to create a safe-space sorta for those with anxiety. A lot of people have anxiety, but then don’t know it because not a lot of people talk about it openly. I like talking about it and I wanted a place where I can talk about my anxious thoughts or feelings with other people who might relate to those thoughts or feelings.
Trigger warning, this thread might contain triggering topics. I’ll be talking about my emetophobia, but I might blur specific posts.

Anyway, this thread thing is to talk about anxiety or anxiousness without feeling judged! You can talk about other mental things too, but I did mainly make it for anxiety cuz yeah… There are threads on anxiety but I don’t think there is a general chat-ish thread for people with anxiety.

So yeah, without further adieu… welcome!


I have anxiety :pleading_face:

@Ouijaloveletters :eyes:


Yay um… Shouldn’t have said yay but anxiety club!

I’m sorry I get excited when I find people with similar things to me!

I have to say tho… I haven’t been like officially diagnosed with anxiety but I definitely have it lol. Cuz otherwise I wouldn’t be getting anxious everyday. So yeah. So idk if I have like generalized anxiety or a panic disorder but I am currently doing therapy so I’ll find out!


Anxiety is practically in my DNA :sob:


Yeah same I know people in my family who have it.


my anxiety isn’t toooo severe, it is manageable, but I do definitely have it :eyes:


So like my anxiety has gotten worse cuz of covid and quarantine. I didn’t used to get anxious everyday, but I would get anxious frequently. Like, I used to get heartburn all the time until I realized now that it wasn’t heartburn it was my anxiety.
I mean it’s kinda manageable but its still bad. Like I go to school and half the time I wanna just get up and leave the class cuz I get slightly paranoid that something bad is gonna happen.


Anxiety? I hate it.


who doesn’t


when it hits, it hits hard.


Relate. Lol.


The worst thing about anxiety for me is knowing that a thought I’m having is completely irrational, but still thinking it’s gonna happen.


I am nkt really diagnosed with it, and i dont wanna self diagnose lol but i really do think i have it, im just scared to tell my parents about it, like i wanna tell thme but i just can’t- :leg::eye::lips::eye::leg:


I’ve been having panic attacks extremely often recently :eyes:

Anxiety sucks, honestly. When it hits me, I have to tool into a ball and count forwards and backwards to help calm myself down. it doesn’t matter where or when :pensive: or sometimes I start crying randomly or screaming because I don’t know how to handle it :confounded:

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The sad thing is I started getting anxiety attacks from coming here recently :pensive:

it’s all becoming too much for me…

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maybe I should leave after all no one would miss me

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oh I’m so sorry to hear that <33 but if you need to, take a break. Dont force yourself to come here if you feel like it’s too much, because your mental health is really important <3

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I can bet on all my money that that’s not true. you seem really great, and I’m absolutely certain more than 1 person will miss you a lot. But if you feel like you needa leave, do whatever is best for you

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thank you for your kind words <3 :heart:

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