Any Cavetown fans here?

So 'bout a year ago, I found a GREAT singer on youtube called Cavetown. And needless to say: I. Am. Obsessed. With. Those. Songs. If you happen to find this thread, and you don’t know about Cavetown, THEN GO CHECK HIM OUT.

The weird thing is I rarely find other fans on youtube or anywhere. So fellow fans ( I know you’re out there >:O ) please identify yourselves! You’ve just made yourself a friend!



Well. I guess not…


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I’ll give it a look :grin:


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I love Cavetown :wink:

Yes Specifically

I promise im trying
Its okay
Talk to me
Cut my hair

I love Cavetown!!


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I love fool too! My favorite is This is Home / Home, Or Devil town V2


I love Devil Town V2. It’s a lot more relaxing and calm than the original. Both are great, though :grin:

I agree :smiley:

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I also really like the beginning of Calpol :3

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I could go on and on all day lol. I like most of his songs.

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Most of his songs are amazing

Yeah, the ONLY one I don’t like ( That I know of at least ) Is psychometry. It literally makes my head hurt. If you’ve heard it you’ll know why. Past the part that makes my head hurt is pretty solid tho.

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Moved to General Chat Music!

And bump! :smiley:


@ChaoticDeluge are you a Cavetown fan?

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No clue what that is, personally

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Closed due to inactivity. :heart: