Anyone else struggling in online school rn?

(I have 0 irl friends to rant to so here I am)

Ever since school cancelled, everyone’s switched to online classes. I used to be on top of things, but now I’m just losing motivation. I’m way behind on my classes and I fear I might fail this school year. Recently, I found out most of my classmates finished school early and it made me feel even worse about myself.

Anyone else struggling in school so I don’t feel alone rn? Or just any motivational words?:pensive::v:


Yea, the teachers don’t explain it the same way and they give us way more work and when we ask a question they reply like 2 days later when it doesn’t matter anymore. And you cant really talk to people. We had someone on microsoft teams and we coudnt tell if they were a teacher or student until we went on our last period class and showed thier name there And also who changes school in a time like this. Btw im on Google classroom and microsoft teams . and everything is just too hard and I can’t believe I’m 'saying’this but I miss school


I thought I’d never struggle with online classes but here I am. :woman_shrugging:
I also have 0 motivation but there is much I have to do, so many projects I have to finish. This is not practical at all for me, just because of my Academy and what I do. Designing houses, apartments and interior is not easy at all this way, I need help all the time but can’t get it this way so it’s making me really unmotivated.


Same… normally I’m good at school but I just don’t feel like doing anything especially school work. Draining…
At first, I was happy to do school at home but I’m starting to think that my grades are going to suffer because it just isn’t the same. :neutral_face:


Relatable. My school is on Google classrooms, edgenuity, and icev. Most of my classes suck, but they’re tolerable.

Except I have one teacher that likes to give 7 assignments every weekday (wish I was exaggerating) and expects it to be done by next Monday. He’s one of the main reasons I’m burnt out and considering failing the entire school year in general. I’m wondering if it’s a good idea to let myself repeat lmfaooo


The government might say we all need to repeat because only like 10 people are showing up to the classes now


Yes!! More teaching and less assignments. I really can’t finish my tasks if you ain’t explaining it!!! :clap:


Fr. :tired_face::ok_hand: I’d wake up early every morning to start my classes and not be done until late in the evening. At this point I’d rather actually attend school than this online stuff we’re doing now


Yes! Like I want to go back to school but I know I’m going to get bombarded with exams that I didn’t really get prepared for. So I’m scared…


I used to get mad anxiety as an honoroll student at the thought of repeating, but I don’t think it’s that bad anymore. Especially with everything that’s going on


My PDHPE teacher posts like literally nothing and I’m so happy about it because I’m not ‘athletically gifted’ and hate doing sports. And he is so sexist, he would literally pull the girls aside and say stuff like ‘I know you may not want to do sport but give it a go’ and always say GIRL POWER, like we need some form of encouragement but say nothing to the boys and it honestly disencourage everyone and eveyone hates it.


Our school said we won"t have any exams or assessment this term


That’s weird lmao :grimacing: and it’s the same with my culinary teacher


We have to start going back to school once a week in 2 weeks, so I’m kinda happy about that.:grin:


They can just throw the whole term away, lmao.


I love teaching in person and interacting with the kids. Hardly any of my students connect to the video conferences in any of the English classes. The math teachers brags every day about how many students he has in his conferences. Math is a difficult subject, to be fair.
I have to film videos and upload them but since I edit my videos, they take forever to download onto my computer.
When I have kids, I’m definitely NOT homeschooling them. I want my kids to have the experience of having class in person with their teachers, interacting with other kids, and making friends. You don’t want your kids to learn bad things? Teach them values; don’t isolate them.


Thank you for commenting. It’s interesting to get the perspective from a teacher.

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I’m only struggling in the math. My math teacher is assigning a lot of work, and it’s stressful. I’ve finished all of his work though. He hasn’t assigned anymore thankfully.

I hope online learning gets easier for you.


I had a mini breakdown 2 days ago because of trig work and now I’m behind

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Oml, same, I don’t have much motivation

I’m behind in several classes, my grades are fine rn but if I don’t catch up in the classes, then my grades will suffer

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