Anyone want to 2x2 Rp?

Hey everyone, @The-Queen-of-Kit-Kat here :heart:

So I love rping with people. It sometimes make me forget about everything. Its fun too. And now I have this idea,

What would it be like to rp with 2 people? In private?

So thats why I decided to make this thread.

I want to Rp with two people privately :blush: I think it will be interesting and fun.

Comment down below if ur interested.

I will only choose two people

I cant to rp with u. Have a nice day :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

~ Kit Kat :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’d definitely RP if I knew the plot and everything, but if there’s 3 people RPing in the group then it would be a 1x1x1 RP.


Oh right

If you’re still open to this I’d be interested. @The-Queen-of-Kit-Kat

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I’m interested. @The-Queen-of-Kit-Kat

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Sorry for the late reply but ok


Ill add u guys in a pm


Thank you.

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