Anyone want to create an rp w me? ^^

hi so I’m still working on fleshing out some ideas for stories I’m planning to write, and I’ve been thinking of running an rp as a side project! so, If you’re interested in helping me just comment!!

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I’d be up to helping!!

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I FORGOT TO SAY EARLIER SORRY- edit reason: moved to #role-plays-and-games:chat and added a couple tags askdfjh

Depends on the rp :thinking:

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Stealing my answer- how dare you

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ah - to answer that (@Cadborosa and @CerealKiller), not a typical “school” rp, but more science fiction / survival type, with a well thought out plot and events? if that makes sense.

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This one confuses me, is it a school RP or not? Cause survival sounds like it wouldn’t be a school RP- But, saying its not a typical school RP makes me think it is
So, I’m a little lost

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oh, I meant not a school RP, like most RP’s on the forums!!

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Okay then- I’d be on board with helping if you needed it


Me too