Anyone watching the last season of Orange Is the New Black?

I absolutely adore this show. It’s given me a new perspective and empathy for those incarcerated and this latest season that touches on ICE and immigration has risen to new heights in terms of quality and gut-wrenching plots.

So, blurring any spoilers for this latest season, in case you haven’t caught up, what’s been your favorite moment, happy or sad?

I honestly can’t pick just one, it’s so heartbreaking this season!!!

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Not watching. Watched months back lol.

Happiest moment was seeing Alex get back. Would have been boring without her.
Sadest moment, Blanca being taken away at the end, and Morello bleeding.


I’m only on season 3 but I totally agree best show ever! I don’t even like piper and Alex is a hypocrite coz she gets mad at Piper for reporting her but she turned piper in in the first place?! my fav was Nicky

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The last season is up now and you find out what happens with morello and I will say no more!

I love her so much! And I can see stopping after the 3rd season, it hit a bit of a lull but this last season is amazinggggggg. And agree, can’t stand Piper and not really a fan of Alex tbh.

Awww new ones up… I shall take a look and see if we have it yet

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I’ve not stopped, just am only on season 3

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Ohhhh then good, keep going!!! I love this show so much.

Who’s your fave character? Edit: I’m dumb, you said Nicky!

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Nicky… So upset about that :sob:

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I need to rewatch the series because it’s been so long!

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Morello is a bit crazy
Red is… Red
Piper is a b____:
Alex is alright
Nicky is :heart_eyes:
Poussey is cool
Whatson is ace

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People have said this show was so good but I never got to even start watching Episode 1 of it. Doesn’t seem like my thing tbh. :sweat_smile:

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Oh I love it! So many amazing characters and I think it legitimately makes people more empathetic towards people who are/have been incarcerated.

I think they used Piper, the almost Mary Sue white character as a way to get the show made and then all of the other characters and their stories upstage her and it’s great.

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I don’t like piper…


She is the worst!

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