Appropriated Words: the Westernisation of Foreign Languages

Yeah, you’re right.

did you just google that? /nm

sorry i don’t understand why you’re sending that here when i’m the one who brought it up ^^;

also we’re getting off topic

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I googled it. Uh…oops.

Exactly :woman_standing:
It’s just sad that a lot of people can’t see how hurtful and narrow-minded this can be?

They’re really cool people! Yeah it’s really sad :confused: tbh I’m glad she’s still a positive person despite all that + doesn’t let it stop her

Exactlyy oh god. Man having tourists can be great some are truly informed and super respectful to the country but then there’s those few that are just so disrespectful </3

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Karma is actually the concept that the things that that you do in this life affect your next life :thinking: according to several hindus/buddhists I’ve talked to… I may be wrong because my memory is hazy but I shall check my past convos

also :sweat_smile: chakras are actually a lot more complex than that and don’t quite work like that but the basic idea I can give is that they aren’t supposed to be aligned but destroyed in order to reach transcendance and get closer with certain deities. They essientially weigh you down and they don’t govern aspects of people’s being…The chakras are what hold you to the material world and key is to destroy them to become closer to the divine and their blessings. There are a bunch of rituals, meditations etc. to do this but their kept on lockdown by the priests and such and aren’t shared to the public… and even then there are different types of chakra systems for different purposes!!

other than those things, this is an amazing post!!

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I just found it interesting. Sorry for going off topic.

honestly it harms everyone involved
(going back to the topic)
it’s this ignorance that leads to people not valuing foreign words for what they are

sorry for the mistakes, i tried to find proper sites that talked about them but couldn’t fact check w hindus or buddhists

mm it’s okay
i just found it a bit odd that you shared it, since well
i was the one who brought the relationship between those up and i have studied a bit on the topic


Exactly, this topic gets me so heated because I’ve moved around a lot and experienced so much like there is so much people are missing out on by failing to acknowledge or respect other languages :c

Also language ties in heavily with culture, some people feel as though they express themselves better in another language. Some things might be better expressed in English to some people whilst other things may be better expressed in another language by someone else. Honestly I switch between English, Creole and French quite often but I’ve also picked up slang from my friends who speak other languages.


I’ve unfortunately only been to English speaking countries. I’d love to go to Germany or Japan, though.

the struggle of the multilingual tbh jdsbkvhf

I also sincerely apologize about earlier. Thank you for setting me straight.


it’s okay, dw
as long as you learn, everything’s chill


Thank you.


Lol I’m only like 5% Filipino but even I know that Filipino is gender neutral!

I also want to say that I do believe in the energy points/centers in the body but idk what to think about the chakra thing because I haven’t seen people from that actual culture talking about it so idk. I’ve seen some that used to be a part of that culture but idk. Does anyone have any helpful articles/resources I can look at with this?

Someone once did but tbh it wasn’t really enough for me as it was this post on a forum, and while helpful I didn’t really know if I could trust it or not. I tried looking for stuff after but couldn’t really find anything…


honestly i don’t know what compelled people to start claiming Filipino isn’t gender neutral smh

and you may want to ask Mel (@/astralis) since well, i may be able to find things but can’t exactly fact-check >.<


I understand that. Although I’m not rich I have been privileged enough to travel as well as go to an international highschool in a foreign country with people from different cultures which is why I picked up so much from different languages + learnt to appreciate them more. Although there was occasional racism and cultural insensitivity there was so much more exchanging of cultural values and appreciation. That’s why even though I may only be fluent or semi-fluent in a few languages I developed an appreciation for the impact and significance of languages foreign to me.

YGFXUGYDE RIGHT, forgetting a word in one language then having to translate it from the other is just :')

Thank you for acknowledging what we pointed out, as Cam said as long as you understand and learn it’s okay ^^


uwu happy to help :pleading_face: :white_heart:
no worries!! i’ve been lucky enough to be able to speak with people of the religion and they’ve educated me greatly ^~^

if you’d like i have a doc full of appropriative terms, words and objects >:) it’s more in the context of western spiritually and modern witchcraft but lmk if you want me to drop it ya


Mel i’d LOVE that, please
could you share it here, please? that’s be so so so so useful!
and it’s so important for everyone to learn about it

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feel free to tag when talking about me >:) i like being talked about yayayaya

sure I can pull some up!! most of what I know is from direct conversation from hindus and buddhists who were raised in the religion/practice wouldn’t be so comfy with me sharing their info but these links are helpful ^~^

uwu here you gooo


kdsjbvkhf okeyy
i didn’t wanna bother you >.<

thank youuu
i’m gonna check it out rn owo
also owo
can i share it in the OP?