Are Most of Your RPs Successes or Failures

When creating an RP, there is added pressure to make sure the RP is a success. However, sometimes no matter how hard anyone tries, sometimes an RP just fails.

Have the RPs you’ve made been successful or failures?
Is there any specific reasons why they succeeded or failed?

Those who have never created an RP:
Have more of the RPs you’ve been part of successful or failures?
Is there any specific reasons why some succeeded or failed?



Most of my roleplays have been embarrassing failures and Blue Royalty also was at first. I think previous ones I haven’t planned much at all.


I kinda want to join, but I’m taking on a lot of Rp’s at the moment


For now its 1 to 1 in succes and failure.
I’m still not sire about the dark snow one which it will be.


Ahh that’s okay, would love to have you join at any time, though!


Brilliant. Thanks for the invite. I’ll tuck that away for later


Don’t say that! But we’re moving now! :joy:

It was definitely a struggle to get that one rolling… now it’s doing pretty good though!

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my only rp was a success, so i would say im fairly accomplished

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All of my rp’s range between-

So much posting, Slow days, Fast Days, Or Brink of extinction but it’s always rapid cycling. It’s just one big game of wheel of fortune :wink:

That people for whatever reason keep coming back too-

But statistically it’s:

Hazbin, Greenstead, Gravity Falls, Gotham. = Successes
Fairy Tail, OK K.O. = FAILS

But I mean, All in all. I think I keep it balanced-ish


Probably not.

but yes

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I’m sure others would say that for the most part my RPs haven’t been complete failures, but I feel like most of mine have been failures. The only one I wouldn’t call a failure is CHB (though… it’s not doing so well right now…) but a lot of it’s success wasn’t me. I feel like everything I try on my own doesn’t pan out in the end with either a lack of signups or a lack of posting once it starts

Mine flopped. Oh well. It was my first one, so…eh.

I can’t say if they were successes or failures… I’ve never actually even opened a sign up thread for even just one of the ideas I posted :sob:

My success was a wish for Amnesia it went on for a long time.
Since then I tried to recreate similar rp’s such as mystifying but with mystery rp’s you need to have active players and it died pretty quickly. It’s basically on life support rn, but I’m pulling the plug soon.

Heh… heh… failure. So much failure.
Can’t even with the overload of failure.

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Me too. Mine didn’t even start because I had no clue what I was doing. I should’ve asked for someone to co-own with me to start out.

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Mine? Total failures