Are non binary people trans people?

To me, it doesn’t really seem like they are, since a trans person is a person born in the wrong body and there is no “non binary body”. I do believe that non binary people are valid tho. I would really love to hear more opinions, since I’ve kind of been having a crisis about this topic



My friend called themselves non-binary Trans, and I got confused, because that didn’t make sense, but if they want to be called non-binary Trans, so be it.

If you consider yourself trans you’re trans, if you don’t, you don’t.
As simple as that


It’s actually an umbrella term. Here’s my friend trying to explain it: No, nonbinary trans. Nonbinary people are counted as trans people. All nonbinary people are trans, but not all trans people are nonbinary. There’s binary trans (trans female and trans male) and nonbinary trans (genderfluid, agender, demiboy, demigirl, librafluid, pangender, etc).

The definition of transgender I have seen and the one that makes most sense to me is that being trangender is when the gender you identify as is not the one you were born with so following that definition, yes, non-binary people are transgender.

However, I think it depends on what the person themselves want to identify as.


Well people changed their gender identity I would assume, so then I would say that they are trans

It’s up to them if they like that label though

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Yes I believe you can be non binary and trans. Like maybe you don’t identify as male of female but perhaps you just want to have a female or male body. Something like that

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Moved to discussion and added tags


I would say yes, but I also feel like that’s up to the individual. I’m non-binary, but I also identify as trans-masculine since I’m AFAB but prefer to present masc. Technically speaking, transgender is an umbrella term that is used for anyone who’s gender identity doesn’t match the one they were assigned at birth, both within and outside the gender binary. Plus, the white stripe on the trans flag is for non-binary gender identities.


… So this is transphobia, straight up :joy:

Yeah…one of my non binary friends got called a tranny, and we’re just like “wait…but you don’t even have a gender…”

No they aren’t!

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How is it transphobia

Saying that trans people aren’t trans :thinking:

Touch transphobic. It really reminds me of that movement that say bi people aren’t a part of the LGBTQ+ movement.

It’s a very small chungus, smoothbrain take my dude. I understand where it comes from but it really is just the disgust response. “I don’t understand this, so it shouldn’t be a part of the in-group” type thing

And for people wondering how I can state so calmly and effortlessly that enby folks are most definitely trans: it’s actually very simple.

Being trans requires some form of “transition”. Social, hormonal, surgical, whatever. You have to “transition” from your designated gender at birth to some other point. This includes transitioning from a designated birth gender to having no gender. Gender fluidity counts as a transition in gender identity as well. Because that transition is there, they are trans.

Gender is a social construct. It really is as malleable as we want it to be as a society. It has no rules or presets, it can be whatever a culture or society wants it to be

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Beautifully explained.

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Done a lot of reading on the current scientific consensus on the matter to argue this with bigots :sweat_smile:

Well, one of my friends calls themselves non-binary Trans and the other doesn’t. I respect both of their decisions.

I literally just asked a question. How do you expect me to inform myself if even asking gets me called transphobic? I clearly stated that i would love to hear more opinions, for that exact reason, which is that I don’t understand enough about the subject