Are there any artists who have disabilities?

There were and still are many artists who have disabilities! I’m sure most of you know about Van Gogh - he had temporal lobe epilepsy. Henri Matisse, primarily known as a painter, became a wheelchair user after having surgery for cancer. When talking about his work, he mentioned that while his mobility was limited, he could wander through gardens in the form of his artwork.

I personally adore Stephen Wiltshire! He is an autistic savant and world-famous architectural artist. One of his most famous works was an eighteen-foot wide panoramic landscape of the skyline of New York City, after only viewing it once during a twenty minute helicopter ride.

panoramic landscape of New York City

Do you know any other artists who have disabilities?

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Well, it depends on what you define as an artist
I’m assuming here you mean a famous one, so uh… I have no clue but I’m sure there’s quite a few!

I am autistic too, I do art but I am not that good

One I have worked, who is barely able to move does this very pretty felt art I will try and see if I can find a picture

found it

wherent that years ago, I feel like its been years

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