Are there cliques at your school?

Ah, cliques. A crucial element of any high school movie. These are often exaggerated stereotypes, but some can be found in real life schools. Are there any at your school? My school, it’s not that obvious, but people in the same arts discipline (I go to a high school with an intensive arts program) tend to hang together.


In my schools, we had cliques but only in the class. So for example the “mean girls” were their own group in a class and they didn’t hang with people from other classes. The only clique who consisted of students from different classes were the theatre kids :joy:


Not at my university, or not that I’m aware of. I don’t try to talk to people. I really enjoy sitting by myself during the lectures. It’s fine when someone decides to sit next to me but I can’t go on forums then, lol… Everyone is really nice, mature and easy to talk to.

In high school there were groups but you could talk to everyone. We had the cool kids/influencers with their instagrams and youtube stuff, the friendly music/art/sport people and my group of misfits.

Before high school the class I was in was strictly divided into groups. I didn’t feel like I could talk to everyone. I’m sure that they all were nice and so, but I got anxious around the more popular people. I also always missed all the drama. I had no idea who were friends or fighting because I just talked to my friends lol.

Fun fact, I decided to switch group after one year in that class and that was the best decision ever. So I guess I felt comfortable talking to two groups there.


There aren’t any cliques in my college that I’m aware of, everyone seems to be friendly and accepting as such, but god there were so many cliques at my school good god. Soooo many. Too many


In my sixth form not really. There’s just groups of people that like to hangout with each other. Secondary school on the other hand was exhausting. Each year group had their big clique of mean girls who were basically a mashup of the plastics and the rude girls from st trinians :coffee:

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Not at all, most people are nice if you’re nice to them. They’re nothing like the episode stories :joy:


Kind of but everyone just hangs out with anyone.

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I’m in high school right now, and there aren’t really cliques. More so people just hang out with the people they know and are friends with. Middle school was a whole different story. There were tons of mean girls who loved to make my my life a living hell. I remember we went on an overnight trip and I had to share a room with two of the mean girls who weren’t my friend. It was the worst! They didn’t even have a reason to dislike me. They just did. They talked trash about me to a whole bunch of other girls and when they saw that I heard them, I didn’t even bother saying anything to them and just walked away. I have other stories, but I’ll just leave it at that. :ok_hand:t4:


School? What on Earth is that?


I’ve talked to a friend at my university about this and we figured out that there are no real cliques as our university, but groups of people that hang out together sometimes, but those groups change all the time. The only clique I could see would be the “cool” people but they also talk to others so…


In my college no! I just feel like we are all very similar, because it’s the Academy of arts we are all interested in the same things and not many people get accepted so there aren’t many people per year. It’s really peaceful actually and I did expect it to be that way, everyone is so friendly and you can easily talk to anyone, even if they are much older than you. People randomly compliment others and it is a happy place which I’m so thankful for.
But high school was a different story. We didn’t really have cliques but there were always people thinking they are better than others and wouldn’t really talk to anyone outside of their “famous circle”.


How many evolutions do you have left?

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Tbh not really, but probably the popular girls, but there are lots of popular girls in my grade, and the theater peeps but there are so many theater peeps and I wished there was less cuz I can’t handle too many people and I would’ve able to join.

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When I was in secondary school, there were too many cliques! Like I don’t know where to begin. Same with college (high school for UK, community college)! Boy they were annoying af! Especially these stupid girls that were all like telling me that I should get a makeover which really got to me. I didn’t want to doll myself up when I was in secondary school because I didn’t have time for that and not to mention I didn’t have time for dating and stuff.


Not really, there are people who hang out more with each other but nothing more :eyes::sparkles:

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When I was in high school, there weren’t really cliques, just people who shared similar interests and hung out together. :white_heart:


I’m not sure but I think the different majors at my university are also different cliques? For example the people who study law rarely talk to anyone else and if they do, they are really weird and act as if they are superior. I’m not really sure if that’s normal because of the different interests?
What about others’ schools and universities?

In my high school, people are diverse in terms of background and personality. Sure, there are some cliques, but they are not exclusive and you can hang out with anyone who belongs in a different clique because most of us are in good terms, anyway. It’s actually nice to know that most us in our class can get along with each other well despite our personality differences.

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Not really. Most of us are just, normal.

There were a bunch of friend groups at my high school, but they weren’t necessarily cliques because they weren’t really ever defined by any particular activities or anything, just people who spent time together

They were also quite flexible groupings

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