Are You Afraid Of Death?

Ohhh! Thanks for the tip I keep that in mind if I ever have a unusual dream…


Sometimes, death sounds nice. :thinking::white_heart:

This thread fits this theme perfectly as well so let’s revive it :eyes:

I wanna add a little bit to what I previously said:

I still feel like this, but it’s not only for the people around me, but it’s also cause I would regret the things I haven’t done in life and like I would be overthinking every decision I made in life if I would know I would die.

I am afraid this thread will die, so…

Bump? :eyes::eyes::eyes::black_heart:

Nope but earth will die when the sun becomes a big red star. But that not until 5 billion years from now.

I don’t think that any of us will be alive by then :no_mouth:


Are you sure about that? :eyes::sparkles:

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Yep. I was watching a video after everyone passed away and it down right terrorized.

Let just say insects eat your skin.

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No :eyes::black_heart::new_moon::dizzy:

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Sorry I had to

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Even earth will died 2. But that will be five billion more years.
So I’m not afraid of death.

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How do you know the time?

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Oh geez, there is nothing I’m more terrified of than death. It’s the idea of not knowing what happens after, its permanency. I hate not knowing things, and death is this huge thing of not knowing that nobody knows. I also hate things that are infinite, and death is huge and infinite but then immortality is also infinite. Anyway, I just hope it’s not painful.


I was actually read about it in science book. That talk about what happened when sun becomes a red big star.

I wouldn’t say I’m afraid of death itself, I have come to terms that I will not live forever and one day I will pass, but I’m afraid of dying in pain and what will happen after.

I am not necicarliy afraid of death and I’m more afraid of nothingness, being alone with my thoughts and just not being able to communicate to anyone. It scares me to think that when we die, there’s nothing, and you cannot tell because your dead,you can’t think, you can’t feel because your dead, forever and ever and forever is a long time and it’s scary to think about. I think about it when I can’t sleep and it’s caused 2 or 3 panick attacks, the most recent being new year.


Well according to my religion, there’s an afterlife. So I just hope that if, and when I die, I’ll hopefully go to a good afterlife. And yeah, I’m kind of afraid of death. I think it’s the thought of leaving everyone and everything I know behind, and having to face whatever comes next alone. And again like many have already said, it’s the fear of the unknown. Not knowing what’s going to happen next, where you’re gonna end up. But yeah.

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Like many of the answers here, I’m more afraid of the uncertain… of what comes next after death. Sometimes I can’t sleep at night when I think about it. I developed an irrational fear of the uncertain because of this. Up until now, I still feel uncomfortable when people talk about death. Frankly, I’m even more afraid to lose my loved ones unexpectedly rather than me dying.

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I don’t really know. Somehow I’m not afraid of it because the worst that could happen is that it hurts, but at the same time I can’t plan what happens after even if I think there’s nothing after death. So my overthinking-me wants to plan what happens once I’m dead but the rest of my brain says it doesn’t matter because I’ll be dead. So I guess I’m not afraid of death but afraid of not being able to plan what will happen? Does this make any sense?