Are you kidding me?! 😡

My account from the Episode forums has been silenced for 24 hours since according to the moderators, I promoted “spam”. I put a link to these forums on my profile and it has been removed, and now I can’t reply to anyone or even create a topic! I can understand how this is an issue, but I’m not the only forumer that has a link to this website. Maybe I shouldn’t have stated the link using the title “ShanniiWrites forums; the Episode forums, but much better”, but come on! Now what do I do? I have planned to re-request a profile pic to an artist, but I can’t do it because of this bull crap! What are your thoughts on this?



Well, I feel bad for you but episode is just like that awful and jealous


Episode is so stupid lmfao

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You’re right, but I have been nothing but a good forum member (that is until I got flagged 5 times within the year I even joined)


You can still send PMs so if you have a PM with the artist you can talk there or ask a friend to tell them to PM you

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Same, I used to be on the epi forums but for some reason I got silenced for “spamming/bullying” when I rarely interacted with anyone on the epi forums to be able to “bully them.”

Also, as @katabasis said you can still send PM’s

I would, but the rules in the art shop are to not PM the artists, so that won’t work

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They probably mistook you for someone else, but who knows (Episode really is stupid at times)


Well Episode is dumb. Don’t worry about it.

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That’s awful :'0 does this artist have maybe another social media you can contact them on? Or you can ask a friend on the forum to fix communication :eyes:

Also added some tags!

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I just looked back at the forums, and luckily, she does have a social media—but wouldn’t requesting art directly to her count as PMing her? I don’t want to break the rules on that thread.

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Maybe if you explain to her in the PM what happened, she will be understanding and not worry that you broke the rules by messaging her.


Maybe. :thinking: Let me try that.

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I’ve been through this before the 2 second time, so just stay off there forums because it’s stupid.

I think I’ll stay off it for a while since not much is going on.

EDIT: Okay, now I’m really not gonna be active like that because my post from the forums got flagged again. This time I called Episode a hypocrite because of their most recent awful featured story, “Portia Got Pregnant”. Again, I’m not the only one that called Episode that, so why just me?! Besides, it was a (kinda) joke! Smh. 🤦🏽

Because Episode doesn’t like feedback, like when u call them names and stuff, so don’t worry about it.

Don’t think, just do it. Because their system on the forums is stupid.


Closed due to inactivity