This isn’t a dare thread btw.
So do you have a paranoia of walking under ladders, etc? I look up but I wouldn’t call that paranoid.
This isn’t a dare thread btw.
So do you have a paranoia of walking under ladders, etc? I look up but I wouldn’t call that paranoid.
For sureee, i once walked under a ladder and a month later my two grandmas broke their leg and my dad had a heart attack and everything was just-
Nah I legit danced under one to show my friends there was nothing to worry about they freaked tho
I’m terrified of climbing ladders. Thankfully, I rarely need to do this.
I’m still not paranoid about walking under ladders
Are you paranoid about walking under ladders @ChaoticDeluge?
I am not, no
But what if it decides to break while you’re walking under it?!
I wouldn’t ‘decide’ to break, ladders don’t have sentience. I probably wouldn’t walk under a ladder that looked rickety and about to fall, but that’s just basic caution in my opinion
How can you be so sure about that?
I can’t be 100% sure of anything, but I know what the evidence points towards. And that’s that they’re inanimate
It won’t win at this rate
It’s the only participant in this race, so I think it will win eventually
Reopened because it wasn’t 2 months yet.
I don’t think I’ve walked under one
If I have, I’ve forgotten it
Maybe it’s the only participant because the others already finished?
Please don’t destroy this ladder’s dreams just because yours are dying
I’m scared it will fall on top of me, but I don’t worry about the superstition.
Nah, honestly I’m not paranoid about that, I think at least