Are You The One? - General Chat

I still sort of like the contrast between Rafaela’s vibe and her banner. Her banner is so tranquil and relaxed vibes, while she has the energy of 10 people :rofl:

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I feel I’m not doing Ava justice, and need an interaction for her to compensate. Anyone still approachable or searching for an interaction?

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Mhm, sure Tomer. You’re sure it’s not just an excuse to see Rafa in het swimwear? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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:joy: how dare


I still got Rhett

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I wouldn’t mind it, that said, I have some doubts they’ll vibe well together

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Come on, it’s so clear that’s his intention :triumph:


Gotcha I was just saying. I mean if ya want to see if someone else offers that’s ok

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I think we can do them! Can you get a post out?

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I can’t wait to write Rafa, I’m so excited to get this post out :eyes:


Hey Jass I am about to make the post since now that I am not running around like a headless chicken lol. But I was wondering if you had a certain spot for Ava like where she would be

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No, feel free to place her wherever works for you

Not sure if you saw the post to Mars, but I did reply

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Wait, I thought I was caught up, that must have slipped through. Thanks for the reminder!!
Will get on it rn before continuing on my characters for Beverely Shores

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Take your time. I figured you either didn’t see it or forgot. Lol

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I can’t wait to write Rafa, idk why, but they just make me so happy together @CerealKiller
I think I’ll be a little bit sad if they don’t end up working out cause I just feel they connect to effortlessly

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I spent so much time on that post :sob:

I’m so sad this RP died down once again :sob:

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Agreed :sob:

At this point, I think it’s time to call this one quits.
Its over y’all :sob:


Yeah I think it’s for the best
Thooo I do really wanna know who were the perfect matches still

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