Ask me a question based off of your battery percentage!


1%. Age?
2%. Mom or dad?
3%. Country?
4%. Favorite Letter?
5%. Religion?
6%. Who’s your crush?
7%. Can we be friends?
8%. Longest Relationship?
9%. Shortest Relationship?
10%. How many exes do you have?
11% Short or long haired?
12% What is your favorite candy?
13%. Dream place to travel?
14%. Favorite song?
15%. Who’s your Best friend?
16%. Would you be with me?
17%. Would you go out with me?
18%. What am I to you?
19%. Summer or winter?
20%. Fall or Spring?
21%. Do you still like your ex?
22%. Can we be best friends?
23%. Most memorable experience?
24%. Morning or Night person?
25%. Kiss or Slap?
26%. When was the Last time you fell inlove?
27%. Math or Science?
28%. Full name of your crush?
29%. What do you hate about me?
30%. What do you like about me?
31%. Phobias?
32%. Allergies?
33%. Sweet or Sour?
34%. Salty or Spicy?
35%. Worst Experience?
36%. Best Experience?
37%. Would you kiss me?
38%. Favorite Sport?
39%. Dream Job?
40%. Favorite color?
41%. Favorite Aesthetic?
42%. BTS or Blackpink?
43%. Anime or K-pop?
44%. When did you start editing?
45%. Favorite Singer?
46%. Favorite Band?
47%. Favorite song?
48%. Favorite Drink?
49%. Favorite Meal?
50%. Favorite Dessert?
51%. Favorite Snack?
52% Who’s your partner in crime?
53%. Would you give me a hug?
54%. What would you do in a room with me?
55%. Would you ever like me?
56%. Are you a Ghoster?
57%. Are you a Seener?
58%. Would you go out with me?
59% . Do you hate me?
60%. Do you love me?
61%. Favorite Person?
62%. Have you thought about me?
63%. Have you ever dreamed about me?
64%. have you ever had your first kiss?
65%. Are we going to meet …?
66%. Favorite item?
67%. Dream Item?
68%. Dream Career?
69%. What is your favorite personality?
70%. What is your favorite animal?
71%. Have you cried because of someone?
72%. What is your addiction?
73%. What is your biggest dream?
74%. Favorite Quote?
75%. Favorite Movie?
76%. Favorite Food?
77%. Action,Comedy or fantasy?
78%. Honored Student or no?
79%. Quiet or Noisy?
80%. Would you give your life for someone?
81%. When you are jealous do you show it?
82%. Are you toxic?
83%. Lunchtime or Snacktime?
84%. Would you go back to your Ex?
85%. Am I Important to you?
86%. Do I look like a nice person to you?
87%. Who do you admire to be one day?
88%. Worst thing you’ve done?
89%. Best thing you’ve done?
90%. Dream gift?
91%. Best gift you’ve received?
92%. small or Big Spoon?
93%. Do you make the first move?
94%. Have you ever dreamed of us being together?
95%. Candy or Chocolate?
96%. Dogs or Cat?
97%. Favourite Number?
98%. Easy way or hard way?
99%. •You don’t get to ask anything•
100% •Any Question here•

Post yours in the comments if you want to do it too :eyes:


My laptop is at this, but we don’t know each other enough to do this :joy:

Going off phone percentage:

Yeah! :grin:


59% Why’d I hate you?


47%. Favorite song?
76%. Favorite Food?



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I don’t have one :eyes::eyes::green_heart:
How about you? :smiley_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


Moved to forum games and added some tags :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:


I’m so glad my percentage dropped last second :star_struck:


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don’t forget to add a negative percentage for ebee :star_struck::star_struck:



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Love that ask me too :eyes:

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And 51 btw

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You interested in girls? I’d need a pic and your age.:joy:

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I don’t have a particular favorite; I just like songs.
Do you have one?

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Tablet percent.

Phone. :pleading_face:

What is your dream SO(Significant Other)?

I’d like to do it too!!!

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Hmm… Would you?

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100% What’s your biggest secret? :smiling_imp:

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And it dropped to 99% just after I posted the question woohoo!!!

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