At the end of December 2020, I’m leaving the forum for good

I really sorry to say that at the end of December 2020
I will be leaving the forum for good. I wish I could stay longer but unfortunately I can’t stay on anymore.

Check on my Instagram account to see where I move too.

I enjoy playing game and everyone seems nice.

If you want to turn this account as a bot after December 2020 end.

I wish the forum good luck :grin:

And I hope to see you where I move too and just check out my Instagram.

Oh here a cookie for you :cookie: or candy :lollipop:

Who knows if I return here in 2 years or three.


What’s your insta??




Why? (if you don’t mind me asking)


Your insta account is private


I fix it and after the end of December it will be private again.


Remember I’m leaving the forum at the end of December 2020.

My Instagram is open until end of new year eve so you can check where I’m moving to ether another forum or create a story.

If you want to know I’m also on tapas forum as well.

I will very miss chat with you all but unfortunately I will be moving on with life.


Please don’t leave :cry::cry::cry::sob:

I have to :pleading_face:

If anyone wants to know where I going to move from the shanniiwrite forum and I have fun time talking to you all. Message me to see where I am going.

I can’t pm you. It’s not showing

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I message you now.

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I will miss you. At least we and a few months though.

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I will miss everyone but who knows if I return in two years later. Still have dry bones song stuck in my head now. :thinking:

As anything could happen.

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Good luck with your way time away from the forum. Can’t wait for you to return in 2 years or three.

I did heard about the king singers doing a concert on end of July 31 and you can check out their Instagram area.

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If you love me let me goooo! Sorry, wrong song.

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It okay,

That song is from the Bible If ye love me, keep my commandments.

And I will pray the Father,
and he shall give you another comforter,
that he may 'bide with you forever;
E’en the sp’rit of truth.

I have the king singers on Spotify they are really good.

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I like that song.

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