Back to School: Transform your PowerPoint/Google Slides!

Let’s talk about slides.
Presenting a slide can be VERY stressful if you aren’t prepared, so how is this thread going to help you?

Well, let me hook you up!

Transforming your boring powerpoint.

Tired of boring, basic and bland templates for your powerpoint? Want to stand out from your peers? Not only can you use this for school, but in the workplace!

It has a variety of different templates that fit your powerpoint needs.

Here are some examples:

And much more!

It’s all free, the only requirement is to credit slidesgo at the end of your slide!


Thank you!

Although presenting a slide will always be stressful for me, because I hate presenting, especially in front of a big group of people. :persevere:

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Haha, same! However this helps a lot, especially if you want to get a good grade.

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Ooh, this will be so helpful in preparing presentations for my students!

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Same. I always end up reading from the slides or my phone to avoid making eye contact, which, of course, my teachers hate.


Moved to school and added some tags :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

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I bookmarked this with a timer for the beginning of school and wow what a useful resource this is~

Very very thank you for this, I will likely be making use of it in the upcoming months


Ah slide presentations, I had to do so many of those in high school.
I do have to say, in many cases, a fancy slide template can be too much. Of course, it depends on the topic, your intended audience, and the tone you want the presentation to have. In some cases, a fancy themed slide could be a distraction from the information you have.
Your slides are a tool to help convey your information. It of course needs to be aesthetically pleasing and fitting to the theme, but more importantly the slides should be simplistic in the quantity of information. Having large pieces of text is a bad idea. You shouldn’t have so much text for the viewer to read all in one lump, and it should not be enough to be your script. It should represent your main ideas and bullet points.
Overall, making a really good slide takes practice. Themed or not.

Added a tag too

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