Bane of Degradation - Official Roleplay

As they began walking, Fable lost themself in thought. They were only roused, when they heard their name spoken. Their head snapped towards the noise, honing in on Akello. Staying silent, they waited to hear what he had to say, before replying. They supposed he had a point. โ€Aright, I will admit that I agree somewhat. Not all stories have their truth, but yes, some do. You just have to find the truth from the lies. Unfortunately, that can be easier said than done. I have rarely had an issue, though. The truth is like string. Sometimes, you must detangle it from the lies.โ€ Fable occasionally had their moments of philosophical sprach, and this was one of those times. Unfortunately, they rarely even realized what they were saying had any weight. When Sithral spoke up, Fable nodded. They knew not to believe everything, of course. It would be unwise if they did.
@Tina.G - Sithral
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Akello


Kirara stood in the open spot, the light of the campfire flickering in the distance. She began her training, each movement deliberate and focused. But as she moved, she couldnโ€™t shake the feeling of being watched, of something lurking just beyond the edge of her vision. Kiraraโ€™s senses tingled with awareness as she moved through the darkened forest, a primal instinct warning her of a powerful presence lurking in the shadows. The air crackled with magic, an overwhelming aura that seemed to permeate the very fabric of the night. Yet, despite the raw potency of this unseen force, there was no hint of hostility in its midst. It was a paradox, a delicate balance between strength and restraint. Whatever dwelled in the depths of the forest possessed the power to vanquish her with a single gesture, yet it chose instead to remain hidden, observing from the safety of the shadows.

Suddenly, the forest around her seemed to spring to life, vines and roots twisting and turning in response to her movements. They surged forward, wrapping around her with surprising strength, tossing her across the clearing like a ragdoll. Yet, each time she was thrown, she landed in a soft bed of moss and leaves, cushioning her fall and preventing any harm.

With each attack, Kiraraโ€™s senses sharpened, her instincts guiding her movements as she dodged, parried, and countered the onslaught of vegetation. But just as she thought she had gained the upper hand, a branch lashed out, knocking her onto her stomach with a force that stole her breath.

As she struggled to regain her footing, she felt the vines wrap around her once more, but this time, there was a difference. A gentle warmth spread through her body, easing the ache of her fall and soothing the pain of the branchโ€™s impact. It was as if the forest itself was healing her wounds, restoring her strength with each passing moment.
This continued on for a while.

(Itโ€™s up to you/Kirara how she will respond. Use the information given to see if she wants to attack, flee or investigate, provoke, etc. The intentions and the information is given that should help you make the choice)


Akello knew this feeling too well. Although these two recruits followed him, neither of them believed him, and Akello knew, from experence, that in this case continuing to talk isnโ€™t the way to go. It doesnโ€™t matter what heโ€™s seen, witnessed or felt, both of them are like the rest of the people in his town โ€ฆ Quick to think whatever he says isnโ€™t true unless itโ€™s also witnessed, seen or felt by somebody else to confirm his words. Although whatever he said he witnessed was never disproven or proven to be a lie, everybody still took each thing he said with a grain of salt ever since he came home with a wounded eye. He didnโ€™t feel half as maimed when coming back as he felt when the way others viewed him when he came back with an eye patch.

When Siltral and Fable kept saying they didnโ€™t believe him, despite him saying heโ€™s seen and witnessed it, he felt no emotion, because hope to be heard died in him a little, when he realized even people who have never met him do not trust him. He took a deep breath and allowed for his eyes to tear up, although no tears went down. Since he was in front of them, he could do this withouth them seeing, and in truth all Fable and Siltral would be able to see is the back of his head.

For the remainder of the trip he remained silent, decided on keeping it that way even if the recruits pose questions for fear of being doubted when telling the truth again cosnidering how he hates the feeling of exasperation and heโ€™s tired of being treated only with incredulity. At one point Akello stopped in his tracks and turned to the recruits.
โ€œBeyond this point we no longer take the road, this is where we โ€˜derailโ€™.โ€ He turned towards and empty field full with overgrown weeds and he said. โ€œTread carefully, Aardal is like a deer, easily startled and will flee if he knows somebody is there. I know which areas heโ€™s already been in, and Iโ€™ve never seen him in the same spot twice, which means the longer we wait the more narrow our options of where he could be are, which means weโ€™ll find him easier. Just donโ€™t let him use his necklace on you, Iโ€™ve seen him swinging it around and chanting something and the next day the dark magic influence could be felt stronger than before, so I would be wary of that.โ€ He said before slowly and carefully entering the overgrown weeds, waiting for them to join him.

@Tina.G @Ouijaloveletters

ORP: Finally! Youโ€™re gonna meet my character!!!


โ€œBeyond this point we no longer take the road, this is where we โ€˜derailโ€™.โ€ Siltral suppressed an eye roll as long as anyones head was remotely looking his direction. *โ€œTread carefully, Aardal is like a deer, easily startled and will flee if he knows somebody is there. I know which areas heโ€™s already been in, andโ€“ blah blah blah bla-blah a more maddening voice whispered. Sing-songed. It sincerely made Siltral tired. Need any help, bud? It asked.

Siltral froze in place, temporarily stunned by the voice. He cleared his throat. โ€œSo carefully and quietly so we donโ€™t scare him? Like a deer, watch your step?โ€ He said it more of a checklists to himself, but also hearing his own voiceโ€“real voices helped him. He was ready to march into a forest filled a an evil fairytales than face his own problems. โ€œLead the way, Iโ€™ll be silent.โ€ He affirmed. Then turned to Fable. โ€œAre you readyโ€ฆ partner?โ€ he asked, more of a โ€˜take thatโ€™ moment to his lover.

@Ouijaloveletters - Fable :scroll:
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Akello :bust_in_silhouette:
sorry the post was mid guys :sweat_smile:


Told they were going to have to go off the beaten path, Fable shrugged, quietly stepping into the long grass. They were used to being quiet, so it would be no issue. Tread like a deer. Yeah, Fable was way ahead of him. They already figured that they had to be quiet. It really seemed like a no brainer. They walked in silence for a while, until Sithral started muttering. Fable raised an eyebrow, but stayed silent. It was none of their business. It was weird, though. Still, they had to be quiet, so Fable gently poked him, raising a finger to their lips.
@Tina.G - Sithral
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Akello


Akello got on his knees and sunk low into the big grass. While he walked, or rather, crawled in the field it looked more like a small animal approaching and not a human walking, which he wanted in order to get closer to Aardal. Thankfully, Akello has been following Aardal for a while and knew there are only few places in the enitre place where he could be at the moment. He didnโ€™t want to disclose any decision or anything to the recruits because at this point he feared speaking to anybody, he just silently waited to be able to show rather than tell and overexplain.
He kept silent the whole time while making his way through the grass, only looking back to see if the recruits are following them. Them being silent and knowing from before that any questions they pose might not get answered or acknowledged meant they could sneak up on Aardal.
Akello visited most of the places he knew where to find his evidence, and they were already in the field for half an hour at the least. Finally, there was a sound heard that didnโ€™t come from any of them.
A clackering sound. Scribbling on paper, footsteps and then a clackering sound again. Akello knew the recruits wanted to say something about the sound so before they had a chance to utter anything, he swiftly turned around and put his finger on his mouth to indicate silence.
Turning back around he decided to finally confront Aardal, which he could not do before because despite black magic being not so powerful against light magic, Akello would still be weaker in said match becuase he posses no magical abillity. Now, however, Akello had not one, but two recruits who are able to do magic who can easily outdo any dark magic Aardal has plaqued the place with. Knowing his position from hearing the osunds he made, Akello jumped towards the origin of the noise, startling everybody, even the birds that were around who shot up in the sky and continued flying indefinetly.
โ€œAAARGH!โ€ Akello shouted in surprise. Maybe becuase he was surprised he is going to be able to prove something for once, but maybe becuase he himself has started believing people when they said heโ€™s gone mad and talking nonsense and seeing things nobody else has seen.

โ€œAAARGH!โ€ Exclaimed Aardal in both surprise and fear. He was surprised by Akelloโ€™s sudden jump, and he recognized Akello from the stories, but he was afraid that he was caught doing something hard to explain and that this would be the begining of his demise. Aardal wasnโ€™t able to get Akello away from him, since Akello has gotten training Aardal never had the opportunity to get, and while looking up at Akello he was silent and didnโ€™t show anything in his expression, but his eyes gave away the fear he felt, and he could not hide it no matter how hard he wanted to. Lying on the floor, he knew his book would reveal unpleasant secrets that could only harm him, so using magic from his fingertips he closed it and put a spell on it, but other than that he could not move because Akello was on top of him and held him in a locked position from which he could not move. Next to the two of them were the notebook and the pen Aardal used and his necklace made of bones. He also had a packed lunch with him just in case his business today took longer than planned.

@Tina.G @Ouijaloveletters

ORP: Absolute jobby post, but hey Iโ€™ve had worse!


Akello got on his knees and sunk low into the big grass, and Siltral watched. Then looked at Fable. Then back to Akello, who looked more animal through the pattern of the swaying grass. It look immense will powerโ€”more than keeping a literal demon in oneselfโ€”to not sigh. Luckily, Siltral had taught himself the will power of a god over the centuries. So, he took his old bones and followed suit. Creeping like the critters in the grass.

โ€œAAARGH!โ€ Siltrals ears rattled as both men screamed. He immediately shot up as well, but froze, still as a statue as the other elf was absolutely still. Siltralโ€™s eyes narrowed as he gazed at Aardal, his annoyance growing with each passing moment. How could this be? Aardal, the ancient being, the demon in the stories, was standing right in front of him, looking every bit as real as Akello. And what was he doing with a packed lunch? A demonโ€™s lunch? The absurdity of it all made Siltralโ€™s head spin. But in the blink of an eye Akello was on top, Aardals book was slamming shut, and Siltral found his face in its perpetual scowl. Looked like Akello was handling this, so he went to crouch and inspect the bone necklaceโ€”not before briefly peeking at the lunch.

@Ouijaloveletters โ€ข Fable
@LunaticLeviTheSecond โ€ข da boys


Fable and the two men were creeping along in the grass. Fable was completely calm, moving quietly, when two screams ripped through the air. Fable jerked in surprise, shockingly not making any noise. Their ears rung, and they shook their head, trying to regain their bearings. Well, sh*t. Was the fairytale guy actually real? Fable rubbed their eyes, blinking. Ok then. This was happening. The weirdest part of all of this? The freaking fairytale demon had a packed lunch. Fableโ€™s head was spinning. For the first time in their life, Fable didnโ€™t have an answer for what was going on. This bothered them greatly. Also, if this packed lunch carrying, screaming man was a serial killerโ€ฆhe mustโ€™ve been a pretty bad one. At the thought, Fable had to resist letting out a snort.
@Tina.G - Sithral
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - boyz


Aardal was left speechless. Mostly because he wasnโ€™t caught in the last century until now, but also because he hasnโ€™t really talked and been in company with people to know what to say in any situation after a 100 years with almost no real conversations. Thankfully, in time he remebered the danger at hand and decided to instead warn them. โ€œI am warning you, soldiers, there is a danger lurking here and Iโ€™m triyng to find out what it is before it grows. You have bested me, but there is darkness here that I doubt soldiers like you can best.โ€ Realizing that Akello was a soldier from the stories he assumed the other two men were also soldiers. When Akello didnโ€™t relent his grip on him, Aardal turned only to him. โ€œAkello, is that you?โ€ He asked, making sure he didnโ€™t make a mistake.

Akello almost lost his grip on the man when he used his name. That monster from the stories knows his name. That frightened Akello, but even though he was shook up now, he answered truthfully. โ€œYes, Iโ€™m Akello โ€ฆ But how did you?โ€ Akello started the questions but Aardal never let him finish.
โ€œIโ€™ve heard the wshipers about you and your days as a soldier. Knowing which war you served in I believe you must have felt that feeling of darkness looming around you. The type of feeling that lets you know something is wrong although nothing seems bad or the like you still have that anxiousness inside โ€ฆ You can feel it here as well, canโ€™t you? I know becuase I can feel it too โ€ฆ The source of that feeling isnโ€™t here, Iโ€™m not the man youโ€™re looking for โ€ฆ But somebody is and Iโ€™ve got to find him.โ€ Aardal tried to tune into Akello. He knew what he was looking for, but he also knew that he and the feeling of dark magic in this place arenโ€™t connected and he had to let the group know. Aardal noticed how one of them reached for his chicken bone runes, but said nothing. He had nothing to hide but himself from the world, and now these people found him and him having nowhere to hide, he didnโ€™t know what to do. "Those I use to find the source of the dark magic. Iโ€™m getting closer every day. I assume youโ€™re looking for the same? If you are maybe we can work together and weed out the darkness that grows here.


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with a sigh, Dux rested his head on his hands as Calisa left his office. The weight of his thoughts pressing down on him, troubled by the sight of Midnight, tormented by guilt, unable to find peace. He pondered how he could offer solace and guidance when a messenger entered, bowing slightly as he handed over a sealed parchment.

The seal was unmistakable: the royal crest of the king. Dux broke the seal and unfolded the letter, his eyes scanning the neat, familiar script. The letter was written in a tone that spoke of long-standing friendship rather than the formality expected between a king and his commander.

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Dux smiled faintly as he finished reading. The kingโ€™s warm and personal tone brought back memories of their days together, filled with camaraderie and shared struggles. The task ahead sounded daunting, but he knew exactly who to turn to.

He carefully folded the letter and placed it on his desk, happy that the king just offered him a possible solution to his current struggle. Dux stood and walked to the window, looking out over the training grounds where soldiers sparred and honed their skills, spotting Midnight and Saoirse.

Dux got up and walked outside. The night air was crisp, but it did little to clear the fog of regret clouding his mind. He hadnโ€™t meant to hurt Midnight, but the urgency of their situation had left him without time to fix his treatment. Now, he had to face both Midnight and Saoirse, not just to ask for their help but to mend the rift heโ€™d created.

Whatever was going on, wasnโ€™t meant for fresh eyes of new recruits, and there was no time to waste. He knew Midnight could understand the harsh realities they faced; she had been shaped by them. Saoirseโ€™s unwavering loyalty would be crucial, too. But he doubt they would follow him, knowing the damage heโ€™d caused?

As he approached where Midnight and Saoirse were resting, he took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. The sun cast shadows on their faces, highlighting the weariness etched in their features. Midnightโ€™s eyes met his, a storm of emotions swirling within them.

โ€œDux,โ€ she said, her voice cold. โ€œWhat do you want now?โ€

Dux swallowed hard. โ€œWe have a mission,โ€ he began, his voice steady despite the tension. โ€œThe king has summoned us. Itโ€™s urgent.โ€

Saoirse looked between them, sensing the undercurrent of unresolved tension. โ€œWhatโ€™s going on?โ€ she asked.

Dux took a step closer, feeling the weight of their gazes. โ€œI donโ€™t know the details yet, but this mission seems to be better for those who have been harden by the reality of the world. Midnight, you know how cruel it can be. We need your strength, your experience. And Saoirse, your loyalty is something I canโ€™t do without.โ€
