Falling is a fear that everyone has, it’s an inate fear that helps keep us safe…but what happens when that fear becomes so great that you’re unable to walk down stairs without holding onto a railing and have to hold someone’s hand when walking over uneven terrain? Well, it’s not fun…at all. Now, Bathopobia is the fear of depths, such as the ocean or slopes. My fear is slopes, because, well, you can fall down slopes. I’m going to stop rambling. Feel free to ask any questions, I’ll definitely answer them!
Is it ok to associate acrophobia with basophobia?
I sometimes have both of them at the same time
I fear falling because I am unsteady on my feet and have fallen numerous times. For example, this morning I went into my bedroom and tripped over shoes and fell face first onto my bed. Thank God the bed was there, or I’d have fallen onto the floor. The last time I fell right to the floor, my landlady had to call an ambulance to come and get me up. That was so humiliating.
Yes, it definitely is!
I can already feel the pain by just reading this-
One time at school I was thinking of what am I gonna eat for lunch and the next second one of my legs was stuck inside a small channel drain (the lid wasn’t closed properly) and I was on the ground
Luckily no one was around or else it would be so embarrassing. However I was limping for the rest of the day and my friend laughed at me after knowing what happened to me XD
The worst part is I hit my right elbow at the bench beside the drain when I fell but the good thing is the teacher who was gonna teach us later at extra class after lunch was absent so no writings
Ouch! Damn, you got off.
Ouch! This definitely sounds like something I would do.
Lesson learned: Do not think about lunch while walking (???)
I swear, my fear is oddly hilarious.
It’s embarrassing to need help from your boyfriend stepping off curbs.
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