Being blunt/straightforward

I’m definitely not blunt, because I don’t like hurting people’s feelings, and I overthink everything I say.

I hear that when people love being brutally honest, they love the brutality over honesty and boy that is so true. Depending on the situation, I can be pretty blunt without realising it but in general being blunt is a huge turn off for me because it makes me shut down (mentally). Sometimes, I can’t decide which hurts more the truth or the lie. On the other hand, I like people being straight to the point instead of beating around the bush, that is a huge waste of time.

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I really enjoy honesty and communication. I try to be careful with people’s feelings, but I will always be honest. If people are blunt with me sometimes I might be hurt but I’ll accept it and yk consider what you’ve said. If you’ve hurt me I’ll so in earnest but otherwise I’ll take it critically. If you’re always being blunt/rude or mean to me I’m not gonna be around you anymore.

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