Best family board game?

I play a lot of games like Smarty Party (trivia game) with my family, which can be a lot of fun, despite my absolutely sucking at trivia. We also play a lot of card games like Hearts and Spades.

What do you think are the best family board games?



I like rappakalja where you’re supposed to explain words. Either you give the correct explanation or you just come up with one because the words are very unusual. Then everyone votes on the explanation they think is correct. You want as many votes as possible. The players write down their explanations and one person reads them all so it’s anonymous. Pretty fun game :japanese_ogre:


Clue. Some may know this game (or maybe everyone…).
It’s about solving a murder mystery. TOTALLY recommend it!


Ludo, monopoly :wink:


There are similar games to that in English! They’re a lot of fun.

I love playing clue!


Yeah! We could adapt that to a forum game :joy: JK.

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Acutally that could work well :thinking:

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Maybe we should then :rofl:

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Yes, all the games. Also Mao’s been so neglected :pleading_face: Maybe we test it out in the lounge or something?

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It’s neglected by us… They would play if we started again, I think

Oh, yeah, we could start something in the lounge

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I think you just never responded :pleading_face:

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You never penalised me XD

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Clearly I should have :rofl:

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“Sorry!!!” I love that game!! That’s the game my family always plays on game night. Also, “Trouble” and “Uno.” All classics :ok_hand:t3:


How do you play Sorry!!! and Trouble…?
It’s my first time hearing em


Monopoly will always be my favorite family board game. My family and I always play monopoly (Game of Thrones-themes) during our free night. It serves as our bonding time together. Other than that, we also play Cluedo.

There’s this board game that I always play with my friends at school. It’s called “Secret Hitler”, and the concept is similar to the game “Werewolf”. It’s really fun to play with a lot of people, but things can get pretty wild when opposing teams start to clash.


I love playing games like Werewolf with large groups, they’re a lot of fun to do with family.

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Idk how to explain it


My family hates playing it so we never do :sob:


Aww, that sucks :pleading_face:

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