Best Way To Study?

Hey guys, I have a test coming up on Tuesday (aka in five days) and I was wondering for myself, and others, what the best strategy for studying would be. Studying is a bit harder for this class because we never invested in actual books and the topic is history.


Is it an online class?

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Nope, my teacher just thinks history textbooks are biased

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Interesting, what is the test on?

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Ancient Rome, its beginning to its fall.

Alright, I would watch documentaries about Rome. There is some on Amazon Prime and Netflix. Also, if you look up information about Rome on the internet you can find some interesting sites. Best sites are like the history channels website, britannica online, and any site that has .org on the end. Those are usually school based sites or government sites.
You can also check out books that are non-fiction based in the bookstores since you don’t have an actual text book. There might be some apps you can download on to your phone for information about the Roman Empire too. I would try these options out and see what helps you out the most.

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All the way up until I was 20, I used the Horrible Histories series to study for everything in history — and I’m doing a history masters. Because it’s pitched as being all the important stuff they don’t teach you at school, it’s such a concise way to find out the best facts — plus some fun extras. Plus, it’s not hell to read. I think the Rome one is called Rotten Romans. It’s a British series, so hopefully everyone else will be able to get hold of it!


Oh there’s also Ruthless Romans. Both books are great. Don’t underestimate them!


it always helps me when i write every important information on paper and it’s easier to study with understanding, good luck btw :yellow_heart:


Some great ways my teachers have told us to study by

  • Look over your notes every day

  • Quizlet is a great tool (not just for Spanish)

  • Castle Learning

  • Something old school like flashcards :grin:

  • Crash Course! On youtube…I know John Green talks fast, but there is a lot of information…maybe just use subtitles

  • Khan Acadamy

I don’t know if those resources are available to where you are. Those are some video resources and practice question websites…to make it fun?

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Thanks! This thread is dead and not needed and I did great on my history test! :grin:

I’m gonna make this listed just in case someone else wants help with their studying! They can check this out.